Better go read that 25th Amendment again…

Better go read that 25th Amendment again…

Posted by Stuck_in_a_depo

  1. They won’t replace Vance. Trump may be regretting his choice, but his mode is to always double down. He knows (and probably correctly) that dumping Vance for anyone else makes him look weak and indecisive. It doesn’t matter if dumping Vance would actually help him out, he can’t stand the thought of looking weak and indecisive.

  2. I know that hypocrisy/projection are foundational principals of the GOP, but the idea of them calling Kamala a DEI hire, and then firing their recently chosen VP to replace him with their own “woman of color” would be literal reality-bending levels of it.

    Like, I think the universe could actually collapse in on itself.

  3. Hate to nitpick a joke, but the 25th isn’t actually a shortcut to remove a president. It requires ⅔ support in both houses of congress, which is even more than impeachment.

  4. O_o What does replacing Vance have to do with the 25th amendment. I mean I know the 25th is used for replacing/ousting a president but I dunno what replacing Vance has to do with triggering it.

  5. What does the 25th Amendment have to do with this? No one in that scenario is officially the potus or VP.

    I mean, it would be hilarious if trump replaced Vance with Haley, but I’ve never heard of it being an issue or against any rules or laws if he did or it relating to the 25th.

  6. It’s extra ironic that he mainly picked vance because he was convinced he had this election in the bag. And, arguably, he did until Biden dropped out.

    Now he’s running against a much younger and more energetic candidate, with Roe vs wade and project 2025 already weighing his campaign down, and he’s stuck with the sofa creampie enthusiast.

  7. She wouldn’t. She knows that it would be the end of her career if it hasn’t already come. Her only chance was to stand her ground; joining forces will be her demise as well as Trumps

  8. I have a theory that our far right believes that Trump is old and not long for the world.

    Vance is supposed to replace Trump.

    MAGA should know that Vance isn’t loyal to Trump. Just his replacement.

  9. I’m pretty sure the GOP bylaws don’t allow Trump to drop Vance. JD would have to resign. Like he’s going to do that?

    Trump is stuck with him.

  10. Have they tried not being awful? Has that ever occurred to them?

    Stupid question, I know.

  11. No way is the Heritage Foundation going to let the campaign get rid of Vance. Remember folks, Trump is just the puppet the real power hungry sociopaths use by pulling his little ego strings

  12. Decisions decisions this motherfucker has made a good decision his whole life, why start now?

  13. They actually can’t replace him.

    Also Haley would never use the 25th amendment she’s too much of a coward and hypocrite

  14. Hasn’t he already disqualified himself based on several other amendments?

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