Buttigieg: Trump’s Debate Snub Is An ‘Extraordinary Show Of Weakness’

Buttigieg: Trump’s Debate Snub Is An ‘Extraordinary Show Of Weakness’


  1. Weakness, cowardice, and impotence need to be the key descriptors of this behavior. For someone who tries to portray an inflated sense of machismo, cut right at the heart of that by showing that Trump is nothing of the sort. 

  2. Orange is a shade of Yellow. Trump is avoiding the debate because he is a coward, too scared to have the Prosecutor prosecuting his records in public.

  3. I’m gonna say the quiet part out loud: this will hurt Trump more because it’s a gay guy saying it.

  4. Biden went on to debate and ended up being pushed out cause of his bad performance. That most mean that Trump believes he’ll do even worse than Biden cause he won’t even attempt it.

  5. I love Pete. And I’m eating up the left’s strong offensive against Trump. They aren’t giving him an inch, and it’s hilarious. I don’t know if he had dirt on every other opponent before and that’s why they handled him with kid gloves, but the gloves are obviously off now.

  6. IMO, Dems are getting clever at talking about/to Trump. If you want to get under a narcissist’s skin – don’t hate them: they love being the centre of attention. Ridicule / diminish them. Hell, even pity them. It’d drive him nuts.

    It wouldn’t surprise me if him being the ‘old guy’ in an election is the single thing that annoys him the most in the last 10 years or so.

  7. Seems like they were trying to make the Dems seem wishy-washy in their candidate selection and this backfired.

  8. It’s a perfectly ordinary and entirely predictable show of weakness.

  9. R/conservative has a thread going on called “is Harris avoiding a debate with Trump?”. It’s just legit 1984 doublespeak news over there…

  10. Pour it on Dems keep the messaging going hard through November.

    Kamala is a strong leader, orange face is a spoiled rich kid that can’t take the heat.

  11. Lol. An unforced political error. Trump poorly chose his moment to announce dropping out.

    Could have just said nothing on the matter. Instead his timing amplified it and all that came out was the appearance of weakness and fear in the face of Harris rising.

  12. Trump’s been called a weak coward publicly by a black woman AND a gay man. His blood must be BOILING.

  13. Isn’t that the same day as his sentencing hearing?

    Maybe he just can’t commit because he might be in prison. He’s thinking ahead; managing his calendar proactively.

  14. This is brilliant. Trump’s biggest weakness is having people perceive him as not being the strongest or the best.

    Taunting him as being weak would drive him crazy.

  15. They need to broadcast this from all possible locations.

    “If Trump is afraid to debate an American, what’s to stop him from bending to China, Iran, or Russia?”

  16. 75% of the Harris campaign should be a positive vision for the nation and a clear, idiot-proof list of policies she’d enact. Clear contrast to Trump’s weird, apocalyptic view of America.

    The remaining 25% should be *pissing Trump off every single day.* They wanna mock Kamala’s laugh? That’s cool, *she’s laughing at him.*

  17. The Dems can promote ‘Trump is weak’ until he proves otherwise. 

    Anything out of the Maga mouths will sound like excuses to anyone else but them.

  18. I had one guy on Instagram try to justify it by saying “the wise doesn’t debate the fool”

    Lmao there is no hope for some people.

  19. It’s because trump is a sub and he doesn’t want to get too turned on by being dominated so publicly.

  20. Trump would be unable to debate the prosecutor without going off the rails into full on racism and misogyny. He knows she could attack his criminal record at will, and his only counter would be to attack her personally. Harris is a bad matchup for Trump and his clone like horde of sycophants I’m enjoying the daily ass whooping he’s taking from her.

  21. Where is the article?

    This is a link to a news feed.

    That aside, that is an incredibly meme-able image of Buttigieg. 🙂

  22. They need to just keep hammering him as a coward. Republikkans love strong men and he desires to be seen as tough.

  23. I like Attack Dog Secretary Mayor Pete. I don’t know if I’m sold on Veep Pete, but I like Attack Dog Secretary Mayor Pete a lot.

  24. Man, Buttigieg is seriously so goddamn smart. Having seen him speak in townhalls and other unscripted places a good dozen times now, I’m extremely impressed by this dude. I hope he keeps rising.

  25. Brave “sir” Donald ran away.

    Bravely ran away away.

    When Harris reared her brilliant head

    He bravely turned his tail and fled.

    Yes brave “sir” Donald ran about

    And gallantly he chickened out.

    Bravely taking to his feet

    Indeed a very brave retreat.

    Bravely ran away “sir” Donald

  26. IMHO I say this is better for Kamala: Trump backing out and not debating.

    If the debate does happen, from past experience I expect the media expectations will be as such:

    1. ⁠Trump’s expectations will be so low, if he is able to string together 2 sentences all the talking heads will be falling over themselves talking about how Trump is now “presidential”.
    2. ⁠Expectations for Kamala will be utter perfection, and any mistake or stumble, no matter how minimal, will be amplified 1,000%.

    US voters deserve a real debate with these two, we know Kamala will own Trump, but I just don’t trust the media won’t jump at the first opportunity to turn this into a horse race.

  27. Kamala should DEFINITELY debate without him, she can answer questions from the journalists and the audience.

  28. Dems are *finally* beginning to control the narrative and all I can say is it’s about damn time !

  29. For me it’s almost a tie between Buttigieg and Kelly for VP. They are both incredible patriots and rock stars at what they do.

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