NSFL!! Massive Damage to Trump’s Ear Revealed.

NSFL!! Massive Damage to Trump’s Ear Revealed.

Posted by Incontinento

  1. >Trump told Kennedy that the injury — which the former president has attributed to a bullet — “felt like the world’s largest mosquito,”

  2. *This is clearly a sign that he is the messiah!*

    *His ear was horribly disfigured by some crazy kid (who donated to the liberals), and yet it has healed perfectly! He is risen once more!!*

  3. The ear looks fine but that huge hideous growth on it’s base needs to be tested by an oncologist

  4. ‘Dr. Ronny Jackson, who is also a Republican Congressman from [Texas](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/texas/index.html), released a letter on Friday saying there was ‘absolutely no evidence’ he was hit by ‘anything other than a bullet.’

    ‘It is clear to everyone that President Trump survived an assassination attempt by millimeters, as the attempted assassin’s bullet ripped the upper part of his ear,’ Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., wrote to Wray in a letter sent Friday. 

    Trump posted on his Truth Social: ‘There was no glass, there was no shrapnel. The hospital called it a ‘bullet wound to the ear,’ and that is what it was. No wonder the once storied FBI has lost the confidence of America!’  

    ‘Anyone who believes this conspiracy bulls**t is either mentally deficient or willfully peddling falsehoods for political reasons,’ Trump campaign adviser Steven Cheung told [CNN](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/26/politics/fbi-trump-interview-assassination-attempt/index.html). 


  5. So he got hit by glass. and he and his team lied and said he was hit by a bullet. Not shocked.

  6. He’s such a remarkable man ! A near fatal wound and he’s already healed. Fucking amazing.

  7. Many say he should get a purple heart for being wounded while protecting Democracy. He is the BEST protector. Most people don’t even know how potrect… prowtre…pocrt… good he is.

  8. He was bleeding a lot, so I’m sure he was injured. But since his ears are completely intact, it was more lilely cut by something else, not a bullet.

    Why does he need to hide the truth? It doesn’t make any difference if he was actually shot by the bullet or not, he was clearly the target.

  9. If anything from the bullet, his skin got shredded by wind shear and little else. In short, it still missed however close.

    I’d have more sympathy if he weren’t taking it to the dairy.

  10. I like how they’re citing the hospital calling it a bullet wound today the ear.

    NOW they trust medically professionals? How convenient.

  11. Corporal BoneSpurs got scratched by a piece of glass. I’m surprised he’s not demanding a purpleheart for his service.

  12. I had a bad car accident like 15 years ago where glass from the driver side window exploded onto the side of my head after hitting a guard rail. The glass tore a CHUNK out of my ear lobe, which eventually scarred over.

    I said it from the beginning, Bunker Bitch took a *small* piece of glass to the ear.

  13. “It took my entire ear off. The whole ear.
    But I went to the doctor, and he said, and this is true, he said, you heal faster than anyone l’ve ever seen. Nobody is healthier than you.
    And the next day, my ear was growing back, and the doctor said, nobody regrows ears like that, and its a really remarkable thing, regrowing an ear like that, most people can’t do it.
    And I know that, because its not me saying this, its the doctor, its everybody saying, just, you’re the best at growing ears”

  14. You’re right! That’s HIDEOUS. Please ban it from ever appearing in public again!

  15. So, correct me if I’m wrong, but almost any calibre bullet would have effectively ripped the top of his ear off, right? Or at the very least left a giant saggy hole.

    He probably should’ve just kept the bandage on.

  16. You guys need to stop picking on the elderly. Poor guy doesn’t even look like he knows where he is.

  17. If he’s talking in this picture, this isn’t applicable, but he’s clenching his jaw which is indicative of drug use or dementia.

  18. What I don’t get is why he won’t allow the medical staff who treated him to talk to the public. I want to know what their medical opinion is. Not what the same doctor who has lied to us for 9 years says. I want to know what the nurses and medical assistants think. They treat wounds all of the time. They would have a very educated idea of what could have happened. If it were for sure a bullet wound why wouldn’t he let them clear things up?

  19. Why does his face always look like one of those rubber covered robotic faces in Halloween decorations

  20. Much like Jesus gave up his weekend for our sins. Trump took a scratch for our country.

  21. “sEe? hIm’aLLs LikE tHeT tHaR sUpErMaN fELLeR wUt cAiNt bE kILt!”

    – Cletus Trumpvoter

  22. Come on dog. No way you got hit by an ar-15. If you got hit by an ar15 in the fucking ear, you’d have no ear. Was this ar-15 loaded with bb’s?

  23. It’s stuck to some godawful clump of head — that’s the problem with that ear.

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