House Republicans Turn On JD Vance as Trump Campaign Unravels: ‘The Worst Choice’

House Republicans Turn On JD Vance as Trump Campaign Unravels: ‘The Worst Choice’

House Republicans Turn On JD Vance as Trump Campaign Unravels: ‘The Worst Choice’

Posted by inewser

  1. Love this for them. They picked the most socially awkward unlikable weirdo with barely any experience and an odd book because they were told to by the rich white conservative and libertarian dudes running the party and not because he was strategically the best option.

  2. This guy is on the record saying so many batshit things that the Harris campaign will be able to release something to stick to him every time the news slows down for the rest of the election season. But if Trump dumps him for somebody more moderate at this point it’s going to piss off the loyalists.

    It’s a bad corner to be in but an incredible gift for the democrats. Thanks Trump!

  3. Like when they picked a speaker 3 different times, there people suck so there is no “Good choice”

  4. The republicans in office all goose stepped right behind trump kissing his ass now that Trump is becoming more and more unhinged, unpopular and is being called to old they are blaming Vance instead of the real problem their orange messiah.

  5. Trump is a guy that will fire people at the drop of the hat but in this situation trump is in the insane spot where he was dead wrong to pick JD and it could lose him the election but firing vance is almost impossible and would also risk his chances at winning if it’s even possible at all. It will be Interesting to see what leaks come out over time but I would guess that trump and JD will quickly grow to hate eachother

  6. Crazy how billionaires are doing a bad job making decisions. Almost as if money doesn’t = intelligence.

  7. Junior helped pick him, so you know it was going to be a horrible choice.

  8. LOLLOLOLOL!!! Trump picked his Apprentice TV show winners based on who looked good in a suit, but had otherwise nothing going on upstairs. Or the lady with the biggest boobs. I will bet money the selection went like this:

    The Billionaire businessman Governor? Nah… too smart. Can’t have that next to me

    Marc Rubio? Too short

    One of the 3 Black Republicans? LOL, are you kidding me??

    Nikki Hailey? Too mouthy

    Couch Fucking guy? YES! His inbred looks are gonna make me look super smart!

  9. Was anyone surprised? He had a slew of better options, women, people of color, anyone that would broaden his appeal but of course he chose the nutty white dude.

  10. > A third Republican, highlighting a rift within the party, warned that if Trump fails to secure a victory against Vice President Harris, Vance’s selection will be held accountable.

    >“The prevailing sentiment is if Trump loses, [it’s] because of this pick. It doesn’t help,” the lawmaker said.

    Congrats, JD. You’re going to take the fall for this so they can wheel Donny T out on a handtruck to try again in 2028.

  11. They should have known this before picking him. He’s extreme and everyone knows it because he tells you every day.

  12. Well, Trump is a known moron with a storied history of making terrible choices, so this is not really all that surprising.

  13. The age-old philosophy of choosing a running mate was to balance the ticket, either ideologically or geographically. Well, Donnie doesn’t want anyone who’ll outshine him, and Vance is from Bloody Red Ohio. So his whole contribution to the campaign is being just another white right-wing D-bag.

  14. Trump can’t handle anyone but a “yes man.” JD is spineless…the perfect guy for the job

  15. One wants to bang his own offspring. The other fucks couches.

    Sounds like a winning ticket.

  16. They got rope-a-doped by Dark Brandon, a strategic mastermind.

    It’s beautiful.

  17. The only thing appalachian about jd is his resourcefulness of marrying a brown woman to hide his homosexuality and racism

  18. He had an entire circus to his disposal: an Inidian chick, an Indian suckup, a black gay dude pretending to have a girlfriend, a dog-murdering chick, a space-laser moron, a trailer trash handjob giving chick. But he was so scared to piss off his base by picking a woman or a black/brown VP so he went with the most bland white dude who turns out no one really likes.

  19. noo republicans dont second guess yourselves, vance is the best choice for vp. he was chosen by your god trump right? are u saying your god is wrong? pls keep vance all the way ok?

  20. It’s obvious why this guy was chosen. Someone bought the VP spot from Trump

  21. >Their grievances center on Vance’s radical foreign policy stance, lack of substantial experience, and his failure to broaden the Republican base beyond Trump’s loyalists.

    wait. so the guy with 30+ felony convictions, zero experience in public office until being elected president, who tried to hustle the president of Ukraine and went cheek to cheek with kim jung un and putin…

    *that* guy is just fine for president.

    but *this* guy can’t even be VP?

    i have no love for vance and i think he was an anointed & terrible choice for VP but this is the *weirdest* double standard i have ever heard of.

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