Kamala Harris erases Donald Trump’s gains with Hispanic voters in new poll

Kamala Harris erases Donald Trump’s gains with Hispanic voters in new poll


  1. The gains she’s made really by merely declaring candidacy is insane. Imagine it after her VP announcement, the DNC, and debates.

  2. Polls don’t vote!!!! Check registration and check often and make sure to vote. That is all that matters

  3. Good this will have big consequences in Nevada and Arizona hopefully bringing them back into the fold.

  4. The I-4 corridor is still relatively blue. If she can win back the Cuban vote in South Florida, and get Gen Z motivated, the state isn’t completely out of question.

  5. > Kamala Harris erases Donald Trump ~~’s gains with Hispanic voters in new poll~~

    …in November

  6. Just a poll, but a sign that things are going her way at the moment. Once she gets a VP, and has a convention, that’s when we’ll really get a solid idea if these are just illusions, or the real deal.

    Right now, there is a lot of smoke.

    Wether it’s a fire? Who can say?

  7. While this is encouraging, please VOTE! Don’t get complacent. We saw that in 2016. Trump will be 10 times worse this time.

  8. Weird that the crosstabs on these polls are going absolutely wild, but the topline is only shifting a few points towards Harris. I’m not worried, she’s been absolutely killing it so far on the trail and there are so many opportunities coming up. But polling seems fundamentally broken these days.

  9. Every hour it’s something new and positive for Kamala.
    Trump’s rage builds up and he blows out a Depends.
    Every hour on the hour he blows.
    Old Fartfull of YellowBelly Park is born.

  10. I don’t understand Hispanic support for Trump other than maybe the Cuban community….talking about trees supporting an axe because it says its handle is made of wood…

  11. Speaking as a Latino, I simply don’t understand how some of my fellow Latinos can support Trump and the Republican Party. When the deportations start and the racism ramps up, they won’t care who you voted for. We’re all just gonna be brown people.

  12. From the article: “The survey, conducted among 1,142 registered voters from July 22 to 24, shows Harris winning Hispanic voters by 19 points over the former president (57 percent to 38 percent). In June, a New York Times/Siena College poll found Biden winning Hispanic voters by only a single point (45 percent to 44 percent).“ get out and vote in November people! We can do this if we actually show up and vote!

  13. Feel like a lot of Asian Americans are turning red year after year though. Wonder how it’ll all balance out come November. I believe most will still vote Kamala over Trump but at the local level atleast, more Asian Americans are starting to turn to voting republican.

  14. I haven’t seen any polls on white women yet, but that would be a massive gain for Harris. I’m sure Trump will continues to win white men though, so that won’t be a surprise

  15. I was never a fan of Harris (didn’t dislike her just didn’t care for her) but the improvements to my mental health she’s caused over the last week are making me a huge fan. I was voting blue no matter what but I’m far less nervous about November

  16. Is it just me or does this feel a lot different than Hillary? The energy and enthusiasm is palpable. The donation and fundraising is sky high. Just doesn’t feel the same at all. 

  17. Hopefully these gains aren’t just some sort of honeymoon phase for voters.

  18. I still struggle to understand how latinos could support Trump when if he wins they all be expelled or killed.

  19. Shocker! Moving on from the 80 year old candidate who clearly has mental issues has helped significantly.

    Imagine what would have happened if we had listened to all the people who said “You can’t change candidates now! It’s too late!”

  20. I have never been more energized to watch someone destroy another person politically. These poll numbers are the kind of political assassination I can get behind! I hope that Trump is so embarrassed after this election that his family abandons him and he has to live out the rest of his years in exile.

  21. I cannot understand how there are undecided voters at this point, or how there are any who could be persuaded to change sides. It’s a cut and dry decision.


    You want to dismantle our republic and live under a Trump led Oligarchy where christofascists rewrite the constitution


    You want to live on in our American experiment and elect people who will try to fix what’s broken.

    How do you sit on that fence and wonder which way to jump???

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