russia is returning bodies of Ukrainian POWs without internal organs. read this sentence again and let it sink in for a second. every russian behind this must be punished.

russia is returning bodies of Ukrainian POWs without internal organs.

read this sentence again and let it sink in for a second. every russian behind this must be punished.

by Espressodimare

  1. I do not care if there is risk of nukes. A good few countries ought step IN to Ukraine and really help militarily. This is horrible

  2. I really shouldn’t be surprised anymore that there is yet another depravity they have thought of.

  3. They’re the real life Harkkonens from Dune. Completely immoral, zero empathy, cynical, corrupt, murderous lunatics.

  4. I feel like they are using them as guinea pigs for poisons and other depravity (Like Unit 731) and returning the POWs without organs is a way to hide their experiments.

  5. First, yes of course this ha to be punished.

    Someone else may know better, but I think organ transplantation is somehow
    time-critical. So the story could be even more gruesome.
    It also could be the organs are now at Russian universities.
    Or Russia wants to hide toxic substances that accumulate in the organs.

    I can’t name the manipulation figure, but assuming one man is a thief.
    If this thief now accuses someone else of being a thief,
    he can only reply “But you are the thief”.
    The Russians had the propaganda story “Black transplantologists of Ukraine” in 2022.

    I thought it was just a lack of creativity of the Russian propaganda and
    it was based on the movie “Fleisch” from 1979:
    The movie was also screened in eastern Germany,
    so the KGB including a well-known agent could have watched this.

    But now, this is another level of atrocity.

  6. Forget violating Geneva (or any) convention – these “people” are violating basic human rights. Afaik, the only ancient Egyptian culture practiced internal organ removal for a burial ceremony. But certainly not russian or Ukrainian cultures. What they are doing is vaguely (or many not so vaguely) reminiscent of Japanese Unit 731 crimes during WWII.

    Sincere condolences to all Ukrainian families. May your fallen heroes rest in peace, and may russian invaders burn in the deepest circles of hell.

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