Kamala’s Campaign is on FIRE

Kamala’s Campaign is on FIRE

Posted by Phedericus

  1. They tried doing debate prep but all they could get Donald to say was *”I would like to exercise my Fifth Amendment rights on that question.”*

  2. I’m not going to lie, I wasn’t sure about her when this first went down, but holy shit I’m definitely coming around. Between this and “he’s old and weird” thing I’m giggling like a child and quickly becoming a fan

  3. I love her campaign people. Democrats are finally fighting fire with fire. Keep the savagery coming.

  4. She knows whomever was in charge of the dark Brandon tweet and put him/her in charge.

  5. He can’t debate her! Those bone spurs are acting up again! Please show some empathy for the ‘stable genius’!

  6. It wouldn’t even be a debate, just like the last . 1 person actually answering questions about policy. The other answering none of the questions and lying 29 times. As long as djt is 1 of the debaters it will never be a debate.
    What I’d like to see is kamala answering the questions quickly and with the remaining time preemptively say everything he’s going to say.
    It would be easy because he repeats the same thing over and over because he lacks the ability to change and it would be so humiliating for him because he’s so predictable and could only confirm what she just said. It would be a disaster for him.

  7. Everyone knows Trump is too afraid to debate Kamala. People are saying it would be a disaster for him. Word is, lots!

  8. It’s elder abuse I tell you, shame on those people for forcing him to run, his kids should be finding him a home.

  9. *Big men, tears in their eyes, are asking me, ‘Ma’am, you’re doing such a good job as VP, why won’t Trump debate you.’ Many people are saying it. And we’re… we’re looking into that*

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