Condoms distributed to athletes in the village.

Condoms distributed to athletes in the village.

Posted by Pokodeio

  1. The IOC is definitely a shitty organization, but at least they’re on the “rape is bad” side, so yay, I guess?

  2. Yeah, putting hundreds of good looking young fit people together for weeks is gonna cause some sexy times.

  3. Reading sideways, at first I definitely thought the top right one said “No need to **get** a gold medalist to wear it!”

  4. It’s a cover-your-ass thing. Mixing a bunch of young people from wildly different cultures and placing them in a giant party venue with access to plenty of alcohol will result in some sexually charged activities, and some cultures have very different rules where that is concerned. There will likely be some types of assault committed sooner or later. This is the IOC issuing polite reminders not to do that so they can point to measures like this afterward in case one or two of those turn into big scandals.

  5. I feel like a set of these (unused!!) would be pretty fun to own as a keepsake lol.

  6. They’ll run out of eggs but not condoms!  IOC/France got their priorities straight 

  7. We should be encouraging no condom use. This is probably the best collection of genetic makeup in the world right now lol

  8. Are these commercially available? Not that I have any use for them but you know, just a neat souvenir.

  9. And this right here is why you shouldn’t believe any reports on how much sex is occurring at the Olympics.

    People are grabbing enough to last until the expiration date and then some since they’re Olympics themed. Hand out generic ones and you’ll need about 3% of what they’ll go through of these.

  10. Are partners of the athletes actually allowed to stay in the village?

    Feel like lot of cheating happens

  11. When the Pan-Am games were held in my city, the condom supply ran out on the second day.🤣
    These are young, physically active X infinity people. 
    Darn rights they are going to celebrate, commiserate or whatever like a bunch of rabbits. 
    Party on you athletes.🎉🎉🎉🎉

  12. Cmon they’re there to compete. These wildly in shape, attractive young people have little interest in sex at this time…

  13. It’s so creepy and patronizing. As a geopolitics expert this is like the only time I’m like the group “running the world” NGOs etc is socially autistic and off. Dangerous.

  14. How much rape was there in previous years that they have consent messages on them 

  15. Redditor in the main thread talking about how his girlfriend is over there competing right now. This is sadly the truth of her extra curriculars but he’s gonna be blind to it, lol.

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