Donald Trump is suddenly running scared — and he ought to be

Donald Trump is suddenly running scared — and he ought to be–and-he-ought-to-be_partner/

Posted by DippyHippy420

  1. I’m voting for Kamala, but I’m not forgetting that she’s a cop. Between the two, she’s the least bad choice, in this election by a fair margin.

  2. This is so funny Harris needs to push this further, he is avoiding getting embarrassed.

  3. Vote. Vote. Vote. Blue Wave ahead. Let’s stomp out the crap Republicans are running on which is Project 2025.

  4. Let’s keep his fear and stress high. He can self medicate with more Maccas and Adderall and rage posts on Truth Central. That’ll be great for his heart! Tots and pears fat ass.

  5. I have never seen a campaign message like this from a candidate to potential voters…Stay home on election day, we got plenty of votes…😕

  6. He needed to pick Hannibal Lecter as his VP to put the fear of God in them.🤡

  7. He should be terrified to get on a stage with Kamala, terrified. She will eat his lunch in front of the whole world. Without lying mind you.

  8. He is running? He can’t even wipe his own ass!!! He an old man also. The only he actually runs is when he want a to rape a 13 year old or a porn star or spank his daughter Ivanka

  9. Dude has had a Rollercoaster 2 weeks. From almost getting shot to thinking he had the entire election in the bag and now a week and a half later he’s tied up or losing in every swing state, his VP pick has turned out to be so bad it’s flipping republican woman against him and on top of that Kamala has shown herself to be incredibly likable on social media… I would be worried in his position too. Unfortunately for donny we arnt even past the DNC yet lol

  10. Nice to see *Salon* telling the truth about the Mango Mussolini for a change…

  11. Have anyone voted for KAMALA since 2020? who’s Kamala? is kamala the official nominee for the democrat?

    “We do not live in a dictatorship. Delegates are not oligarchs. Installing Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee and an unknown vice president without any public voting process would make the modern Democratic Party a party of hypocrites,”Black Lives Matter.

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