Losses of the Russian military to 27.7.2024

Losses of the Russian military to 27.7.2024


  1. 160+ land equipment liquidated, pounding at enemy artilley and logistics simultaneously, this is the way!

  2. Imo Ukraine already has F-16s active but they are scared to announce it without some huge victory or they risk demoralizing soldiers.   

    Might have planned a large operation near Azov with them but the Russians caught on and moved all their ships. It’s been hyped up WAY too much and there isn’t a lot you can do with them right now besides regular combat patrols. 

  3. Russian UAV losses have doubled from one year ago. Hard to say whatever it is more because they have more of them now or because Ukraine is able to down them more. Surely it is combination of them.

  4. These losses though probably embelshed are insane.. Putin will go down as the best cia plant of all time.. To destroy so much of ruzzia army without America loosing a single soldier and set the ruzzian economy back decades

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