#9 Rampa & Perisokea

Thanks u/isoAntti for the suggestion!

This one’s special because it was made in my parents in law’s möki.

Rampa, a cripple, pulls back the string. While Perisokea, who is blind, holds the bow. They shoot an arrow made from the world tree, that spreads disease. They are sons of Loviatar. Their other brother, Rujo, prepares the flint arrow tip. He is a corpse. I tried fitting him in the drawing but couldn’t get it to work, so it’s just the two brothers.

While I’m in Finland I’m visiting some history museums in the neighborhood. One of which was in Ruovesi, where they had some old cheese molds with really cool patterns. Ranging from 16th to 18th century. The tattoos are based on those cheese patterns.

If you have any suggestions for who to tackle next, let me know!
As always, you check the precious Kalevala characters on IG: https://www.instagram.com/mythicalpixel.studio?igsh=MWFsaG96c21sZzljeA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr

by pixlepete

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