Kamala Harris’s Environmental and Climate Record, in Her Own Words | “I care about the environment not because I have any particular desire to hug a tree, but I have a strong desire to hug a healthy baby.”

Kamala Harris’s Environmental and Climate Record, in Her Own Words | “I care about the environment not because I have any particular desire to hug a tree, but I have a strong desire to hug a healthy baby.”

Kamala Harris’s Environmental and Climate Record, in Her Own Words

by crustose_lichen

  1. As a proud tree hugger, this statement makes me mad.

    Humans aren’t the center of the universe.

  2. Card-carrying tree hugger here. Classic centrist Dem schtick of doing their positioning by means of a drive-by backhander to the left. Not how I would prefer she soundbite on this, but it is still of course light years ahead of her opponent.

  3. As long as her policies allow me to tree-hug more effectively, I won’t complain.. But anthropocentrism is exactly why we are in such a predicament to begin with. It’s natural to feel kinship with your own kind, but humans are not the most important creatures alive, and the wellbeing of our own species isn’t the sole reason to protect the health of the planet. Every creature born here deserves the right to live in a healthy and clean environment, in habitats they evolved to survive in.

    If everyone could learn to revere and respect life of all kinds, no matter how it looks or how it fights to survive, Earth would be much better off. All life is unique and worthy of consideration. Humans acting as if we are somehow separate is why we have this sickness of mistreating the planet – many people think everything is here specifically for us to exploit because of our perceived superiority.

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