Ukraine hackt Geldautomaten in ganz Russland im Rahmen eines anhaltenden massiven Cyberangriffs

Ukraine hackt Geldautomaten in ganz Russland im Rahmen eines anhaltenden massiven Cyberangriffs

  1. ATM services were knocked out at top Russian banks on Saturday, July 27, day five of a large-scale Ukrainian cyberattack, a source working in Ukrainian intelligence told Kyiv Post.

    The customers of several Russian banks couldn’t withdraw cash, because when attempting to use ATMs, their debit and credit cards were immediately blocked, the source said in written comments.

    “An unprecedented attack by cyber specialists of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine [HUR] on the russian banking sector, which is involved in financing the armed aggression of the russian federation, has been going on for several days in a row,” it said.

    The Ukrainian cyberattack began on the morning of July 23. So far, the hackers have:

    Frozen bank payment systems and mobile applications.
    Caused outages in personal offices
    Barred payments for public transport
    Caused interruptions to the Russian mobile and internet providers Beeline, MegaFon, Tele2, and Rostelecom
    Attacked popular online messengers and the largest Russian social networks
    Gained access to major banks’ databases

  2. This is the kind of stuff NATO should be doing in retaliation to all the Russian hacks against NATO.

  3. A tree falls in the forrest… does an average Russian have money or did the oligarchs get it all?

  4. I am very happy to read that at least the country *that is being INVADED* is brave enough to strike back.

    It’s so stupid to “not escalate” and just take every hit when they are clearly attacking all of us (western countries).

  5. Wait until you find out how much Russian money has been counterfeited by Ukraine as part of their economic warfare.

  6. If someone wants to hack American ATMs and make it where they give cash out for free… I would greatly appreciate it.

  7. Should have hacked them to give out all the money for free and disabled any monitoring.

  8. Attack the money and infrastructure man. Cyber attacks will affect a nation multitudes more than anything else.

  9. Remember when folding at home got huge for a while, running simulations to better understand the covid virus? I wonder if Ukraine released a “Russobotnet@home” how many people would donate their computers to the cause of ddos or otherwise fucking with Russian infrastructure.

  10. Just take out their vodka production and the nation will revolt and retreat from Ukraine.

  11. The Electronic payment people of russian banks will have a hell of a monday lol.

  12. To bad they just blocked cards, would have been better if every time a card was put in it spit out the equivalent of like 100 bucks while not saving card data or security video

  13. Russia did this to Ukraine years ago (read about NotPetya) and that cyber attack affected all kinds of unintended targets worldwide like Maersk. So it should be fair game for Ukraine to do the same.

  14. Why don’t they start extracting money from those banks? Maybe they are and just don’t want it known.

  15. Giving everyone $1 million dollars would be way more disruptive than taking everyone’s money away to 0.

  16. I’m sure that Ukraine, who have been getting their arse kicked in a war for months are ready to start a cyber war.

  17. Putin wants to restore imperialist Russia.

    They can all go back to transacting with script and passbook savings accounts.

  18. Impressive, but I’m also worried about the fragility of our own systems, as evidenced by the CrowdStrike chaos eight days ago (not even a cyberattack, but shows how badly things can fall down). Even though we’re already suffering a blight of Russian-originated ransomware, I suspect an organized Russian cyberattack could be quite awful, and possibly used to cast the current US administration as weak prior to the upcoming election, to increase the chances of a more Russia-friendly administration.

  19. Would have caused more chaos to make all the atms shoot out all the cash in them

  20. They shouldnt make the ATMs not dispense cash tho

    They should make it dispense ALL THE CASH, and that would wreak way more havoc

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