“A Su-34 military aircraft crashed in the Volgograd region The incident, as reported by the Russian Ministry of Defense, occurred during a scheduled training flight in the Serafimovichevsky district. The crew ejected, there is no threat to the lives of the pilots.”-Crimea Realities telegram channel

“A Su-34 military aircraft crashed in the Volgograd region The incident, as reported by the Russian Ministry of Defense, occurred during a scheduled training flight in the Serafimovichevsky district. The crew ejected, there is no threat to the lives of the pilots.”-Crimea Realities telegram channel

by banana_man_man_

  1. # he crew ejected, there is no threat to the lives of the pilots. ” till they get new one

  2. We are pilots of the great Russia. We need no one to shoot us down. We crash by ourselves.

  3. So the guy who crashed the plane is alive? Good! Give him another Su-34. This is actually much cheaper than AA ammunition.

  4. The only threat to the lives of the pilots will be the windows they will get close to in the future.

  5. Will they want to fly again, not their error, They should act mentally and crash on purpose to prove it 🤫😘

  6. “The Ukrainians didn’t shoot our plane down. It just fell out of the sky by itself!”
    “OK, but that’s worse. You do get how that’s worse, right?”

  7. I’m sure that burning and non burnt oils and fuel are totally healthy to be breathing and standing in

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