The republican party in a single image.

The republican party in a single image.

Posted by Bekfast59

  1. If you ever need to explain cognitive dissonance to someone use this as an example.

  2. *then*

    Love the meaning when the incorrect word is used properly.

    I’d rather do that, too!

  3. This feels like that time I had a philosophy debate with a Christian and the contradictions broke them, “I just choose to believe this, okay?” It made me feel a bit bad for them. At this point I decided I was backing away from Santa and the Easter Bunny — let him have that.

  4. Having been to a church, I learned that LOVE is caring enough to lie to someone. FAITH is sticking with a belief, no matter what. And TRUTH is the loving lie we choose to have faith in, no matter what.

    So these people are locked and ready for Fox News.

  5. anyone that squawks about socialism should be reminded to take their own road the next time they travel…

  6. Conserving my way of thinking over reality.

    Aka narcissism

    Conserving resources that I’ll never use while other suffer while remaining totally apathetic to their plight

    Aka sociopathy

    At any means necessary

    The dark triad personality disorder = GOP= MAGA

  7. It’s why grifting them for money is so easy. They’ll pay and vote to anyone who tells them what they want to hear because they’re surrounded on all sides by a reality which tells them the opposite. Trump just got them all under one tent so he can shepherd them around to those who kiss his ring. Political candidates, other conmen, etc. And then the bottom feeder right wing influencers who circle around to get in on the grift on Twitter, Truth Social, etc

  8. But the problem I have is that I don’t like being gaslit into believing that not wanting to be a cuck while we corrupt capitalism and turn it into chrony capitalism on our way to an oligarchy is socialist.

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