Cut Off Again? Too Late To Withdraw? Is Ukraine Preparing For PEACE? – Ukraine War Map/News Update

Cut Off Again? Too Late To Withdraw? Is Ukraine Preparing For PEACE? – Ukraine War Map/News Update

G’day Legends, I hope you’re doing well,
Today we talk about the Russia’s offensive and look at the war map updates.

Video I refer to

If you’re new here thanks for coming across, I served in the Australian Infantry from 2014-2021, With specialist qualifications in Heavy Weapons/Anti-Armour, Combat First Aid, With a tour to Afghanistan as a crew commander of a Armoured Mobility Vehicle.
Upon my Return I was unexpectedly diagnosed with a Incurable and Inoperable Brain tumour that is slowly killing me. I was also awarded the Queens Order of Australia Medal (OAM) hence the post nominals after my name. Then Being medically separated from the Army I flew to Ukraine in 2022 for 6.5months and now make content full time. I really appreciate you being here Thankyou

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  1. Whatever words the EU uses, the Russian Essets are Stolen Esset indeed. The EU and Nato loved to change words that even Oxford Dictionary was defeated and rendered useless.

  2. Yes, that would be stolen. What I would point out is that by doing this against Russia, countries around the world will begin to take out their assets from places where the West can take it. This is very dangerous since if countries begin to fear their sovereign assets are not safe in the West then they will seek alternatives and the West eventually will lose their economic power and influence to a greater extent. What the EU and the United States are doing is detrimental to their status and position in the world…very foolish.

  3. Hey Willy, we heard much of this before. Don't lose time with Borrell and avoiding say why was Turkya important at the start of the conflict, what Ukraine proposed, signed and how it ended. By the way, Borrell is probably not even elected, just like wanna be lion and other 10-20 EU "directors" from the palace.

  4. Trump is correct when he says that the Russia/Ukraine war would never have happened if he was in office. Please watch the below. Trump warned Europe and Europe laughed. If Europe had listened, Russia would have been deterred from invading Ukraine. This is on top of Biden’s horrible withdrawal from Afghanistan for the world to see.
    This is from 6 years ago…
    This is from 7 years ago…

  5. Remember Willy, that criminal government you were fighting for In Ukraine was the US government who was hosting a war criminal and giving him 60 STANDING OVATIONS !!!

  6. No such thing as UKRAINIAN DECISION for piece here.

    the warmonger NATO and western feminist politican who decide Ukrainian decision for peace or keep doing sacrifice for western's interest.
    They want Ukrainian to go war until last Ukrainian.
    It doesn't matter how big Ukraine's losses are as long as they can weaken Russia further.

  7. After I had referred to, that Kissinger quote, you start using it here. Don’t know if, they will stop repeating the chosen quote.

    As the west(US), gets distracted. The global south, needs to be.

  8. Russia should not except anything less than the Unconditional surrender of Ukraine with the main objectives of demilitarisation and denazification of the whole of Ukraine. Otherwise, wars will just continue to flare up with far right banderites.

  9. Bwahahaha, Zelensky is jealous of Putin getting a hug from Modhi. Maybe if Zelensky puts on his stockings and lipstick, Modhi will come and give Zelensky a hug too.

  10. ah how can you believe in Ukrainian words about India or china that have too much interest with the Russian Ukraine is nothing just a country full of corruption

  11. After all this is over, a very difficult question needs to be answered. Would it have been better to have stuck to the Minsk agreements?

  12. That interest belongs to Russia every bit as much as the assets themselves. It will have to be paid back by someone eventually. The institutions and countries giving up that money are going to be sorry they let themselves be beaten into submission on this issue.

  13. nato signed deals they would not move into countries closer to russia,and the eu and nato with usa moved into old baltic states ,they lied to russia what would usa do if mexico had cccp and russian bases on there boarder

  14. Peace? Probably not. Ukraine can still scam a few billion more before calling it quits.
    Added bonus: after that, they can beg for rebuilding funds and keep the money train going.

  15. China sees the Fruit Rottening from the Inside out in Real time and they Seem to Understand Sun Tzu with deep comprehension, and Seem to like Laughing when there's No around to Make a Perdacted Point about their Economy Collapsing, so Good on them for Seeing Observed Reality while the West lives in 5 minutes of Propaganda Cult Points to feel better

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