Hi everyone

My friend recently gifted me an old jersey.
She also got the jersey as a gift so we dont know where its from. How do I check if its fake? 😊

It has Ronaldinho 10 on the back. LFP on one sleeve. “Made in Morocco”.

It looks like this shirt: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/125982440117

Thank you in advance

by Mother-Plum-5544

  1. Should have a tag with a number you can look up. Also with Barca kits, especially older ones or stadium versions, you can tell easily with the badge.

    For some reason fakes can not get the badge anywhere near correct.

    In your case it looks legit off the badge and stitching alone.

  2. Check the back of the inside of the shirts if it say Passion it is fake but if it doesn’t have Passion on it you are good it is real!!

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