**Where or how you got the data:** Meatloaf – “I Would Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That)”
**The tool used to generate the visual:** Microsoft Word
Wow. I could not understand that song at all until now. Never know what will happen on Redditor. Thanks!
His name is Robert Paulson.
I remember him giving an interview a while ago and was surprised people didn’t figure it out, cause it was right in the song. I never realized it until he said that.
His use of double negatives here is messing my brain up on many of these “won’t do that” lines.
If he “won’t”, “Never forget the way you feel”, does this imply Meatloaf will indeed forget the way feel?
His use of double negatives here is messing my brain up on the “won’t do that” lines.
**Where or how you got the data:** Meatloaf – “I Would Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That)”
**The tool used to generate the visual:** Microsoft Word
Wow. I could not understand that song at all until now. Never know what will happen on Redditor. Thanks!
His name is Robert Paulson.
I remember him giving an interview a while ago and was surprised people didn’t figure it out, cause it was right in the song. I never realized it until he said that.
His use of double negatives here is messing my brain up on many of these “won’t do that” lines.
If he “won’t”, “Never forget the way you feel”, does this imply Meatloaf will indeed forget the way feel?
His use of double negatives here is messing my brain up on the “won’t do that” lines.