Dutch beach volleyball player who was convicted of rape is booed before losing first Olympic match

Posted by lala_b11

  1. OMFG He (Steven van de Velde) was convicted of raping a 12 year old British girl when he was 19 years old!!
    How is he allowed to play in the Olympics? Why would his Country allow him to represent them?
    Imagine that girl watching the Olympics and his rotten mug pops up?!

  2. Insane that they’re protecting a child-rapist on the international stage just to make a point about how much they love defending paedophiles. He’s not even good enough to win medals. They don’t even get anything out of this. They just purely want to make a point about how “progressive” they are. What a way to tank your international reputation for no reason whatsoever.

  3. He should be in jail. But being booed at the biggest moment of his pathetic life is something, I guess

  4. I don’t get the people who are of the opinion it’s okay because “he’s served his time.” That little girl will be serving his time for the rest of her life. What about her? And then to be reminded that she’s not even equal to an animal: You whip a horse, you get suspended from the Olympics. You rape a child, well a child is not a horse, everybody knows that!

  5. Dutch Team & Olympic Committee: “It doesn’t matter what you’ve done in the past if you’re great at sport, we’ll shelter you and make sure no one hurts your feelings”

    Meanwhile the girl (who was 12) will be seeing his face everywhere. Wonder what support she is getting right now? I’d like to make a bet that her current situation and potential future doesn’t involve the Olympics.

    I do not support this person (because he will never be a gentleman) representing his country or the Olympic spirit. He should never be able to benefit from such an opportunity.

  6. This is probably the second best thing that could have happened apart from him not taking part at all.

    I hope many more losses are in his future <3

  7. I feel like there is something inherently wrong with Dutch culture if he is allowed to represent their country,

  8. The IOC has banned trans women from competing after we have been allowed to compete in the Olympics since 2004 (without winning any medals), going against the findings of their *own study* (https://bjsm.bmj.com/content/58/11/586) that show trans women have no inherent biological advantage over cis women.

    But they encourage pedophiles and rapists to compete.

    Cool, cool… really on the right side of history, here.

  9. Better title: 

    Steven van de Velde, convicted child rapist, booed before losing first Olympic match

  10. They did their best, that’s all there’s to it. Can we stop labeling people for the moment just this once?

  11. As a dutchie, i’m cheering against him… feel bad for his partner though

    We have many talented sporters, we can do with a medal less

  12. i was watching the match (on cbc) – i don’t think the announcers even *mentioned* anything about this guy. i wonder if it’s due to legal reasons or something.

  13. It’s not like this guy is standing behind what he has done. He accepts that he has made a terrible mistake when he was young. They are very transparent about everything, including precautions like not making him stay in the olympics village so that nobody feels in danger. Give him a chance.

  14. Wow. Imagine standing by sending a convicted child rapist to the Olympics after he loses in the first round. This should be an indefinite black mark against the Dutch team.

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