Trump: ‘You won’t have to vote anymore my beautiful Christians’

Trump: ‘You won’t have to vote anymore my beautiful Christians’

During a conservative Turning Point Action Believers’ Summit, former President Donald Trump urged Christians to vote, saying they wouldn’t have to do it again if they got out there in November and elected him.

#cnn #news

  1. Watch the MAGA cultist try to spin this around and say that is not what he meant as if he is speaking on tounges. We are not stupid and yes, he meant what he said and he wants to stay in power until he dies!

  2. Do Christians really talk like this? Are Christians comfortable about speeches like this from their leaders? I don’t want to be a Christian if this is acceptable to them.

  3. Tris is such a joke. LISTEN to his speech. Theres no question what he meant! CNN are liars!
    He said Christians historically are the worst group when it comes to voting. "You Christians don't vote" he said. He continued, "Just vote this one time, and you'll never have to again"… "Because I'll have it fixed"…
    In other words, even if Christians never vote again, hes telling them he needs them to vote this time! And he'll get the election process back to being legal so they'll never need to worry about voting again. BUT he needs them to vote this time so he can assure the win!
    Left wing idiots are claiming he said hes going to end voting and be a dictator. Haha So ridiculously stupid!!
    People… just go to his full speech and listen for yourself! Don't listen to garbage like this where CNN cherry picks and edits to make it appear he says things he didnt say!! USE YOUR BRAINS!

  4. Trump should be stopped (constitutionally) from being able to run for president!!! Omg!!! It maga is a thing thats here to stay then we need to amend the constitution for narcissistic cheating dumbasses not holding government positions!!!
    That would solve all our current oroblems in congress too and on the supreme court!!

  5. The media did the same thing when he suggested a COVID "cleaning" was being explored by the CDC. He's saying that constituents who wouldn't normally go out and vote will only have to vote for him once: if he wins the election, then he'll fix the issues at hand during his term and they'll never need to worry about participating in another election again.

  6. Falling for mainstream media bs again. Trump can’t run again after this election because he already served once people, that’s what he meant. They love twisting his words y’all always believe the bs they feed you!!

  7. So tired of Mainstream
    media’s mental abuse and manipulative mind control against any party other than the left. We the people have the right to sue the major networks in a class action lawsuit for years of abuse. Stop your bias for the left. We’ve had enough. Would be an easy case to win. And hopefully bankrupt these foolish propaganda networks creating hate and division in the USA with your lies.

  8. As a Conservative Independent and Discerning Christian here in Georgia, I say I will NOT vote for a felon and traitor in Trump, and I will NEVER vote for another Republican again, as long as they continue to support MAGA'ism!

  9. Hmmmm, what a weird statement to make….unless you know what you intend to do once you get into the white house! For instance, just putting it out there, make a law that bans voting anymore which means he gets to rule forever, and get rid of law enforcement agencies whilst he's at it, then cut the people's freedoms too!…wait! Isn't that what project 2025's about???

  10. It is truly amazing that Trump supporters are always trying to explain to everyone else what Trump "was really trying to say, what he really meant" when his words, comments, etc. are clear for all to see, hear, and observe. People, we all watch the same film. Trump continues to show everyone who he really is and what his true intentions are if he's elected. The majority of Americans do not want a dictator and a convicted felon for president.

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