People Shocked at Sweaty Trump’s Behavior During Florida Speech, ‘What a Deeply Disturbed, Mentally Ill Man’

People Shocked at Sweaty Trump’s Behavior During Florida Speech, ‘What a Deeply Disturbed, Mentally Ill Man’

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. He’s old and needs to step down for his own sake and the sake of our country.

  2. “Shocked”?????? I assume these people have been comatose ftom 2016 to 1/6 Insurrection. Am I correct?

  3. Sweaty … but also … convicted felon, sexual assaulter, doe 174 … fuk the news media

  4. I absolutely hate this website. Whenever they have some sensationalist headline, they leave out the photo or video from the actual article.

    So fucking stupid.

  5. MAGA and the Heritage Foundation chose this narcissistic lunatic to be the stooge at the head of their snake. They chose wrong.

  6. Traitor Trash Trump has always been a disgusting, low life thug.

    How can so many be so blind?

  7. People are still shocked when a bizarre-looking Trump begins babbling incoherently? I’d be more shocked if he didn’t. Go find that clip from 2015-2016 when someone charged the stage during his “speech” and he almost soiled his diaper, he’s completely slathered in sweat to the point where he’s literally shiny. I mean, he mispronounces a word, something he does ALL THE TIME, and people are “shocked” by his lack of fitness for office? He was BORN unfit for office. And he proved it during his first worthless, flabby term. Even minus the treason, he was easily the most pathetic president the nation has ever seen.

  8. He been like this for the longest now since Biden is out of the race you guys in the media can focus on it a little closely

  9. How are they shocked? He’s been a gelatinous bag of moron for well over a decade

  10. tRUMP is deranged!

    Why he must lose:

    14 Early Warning Signs of Fascism:

    1. Powerful and continuing nationalism
    2. Disdain for human rights
    3. Identification of enemies as a unifying cause
    4. Supremacy of the military
    5. Rampant sexism
    6. Controlled mass media
    7. Obsession with national security
    8. Religion and government intertwined
    9. Corporate power protected
    10. Labor power suppressed
    11. Disdain for intellectual & the arts
    12. Obsession with crime and punishment
    13. Rampant cronyism and corruption
    14. Fraudulent elections

  11. he has been a sweaty, deeply disturbed, mentally ill man for fucking DECADES.

  12. Perspiration in Florida’s late July heat and humidity is a psychological test?

  13. And that’s why so many deeply disturbed, mentally ill people are going to vote for him ….’he’s one of us’.

  14. An Unfit Old Man. Reportedly, he utilizes adult diapers. His cognitive decline is notable and pronounced. Why are people _still_ shocked by his behavior?

    Dear Republicans: _Is this your MAGA King_?

  15. His make up use is gross and weird and I don’t approve of that lifestyle for a male president.

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