Official White House photographer under Reagan and Obama was banned from Twitter after posting a picture that shows Trump’s ear was not hit by a bullet.

Official White House photographer under Reagan and Obama was banned from Twitter after posting a picture that shows Trump’s ear was not hit by a bullet.

Posted by FunkYouInParticular

  1. FBI’s official statement today reported by Axios says he was shot in the ear. Fucking asshole has the feds in his pocket!

  2. Unless he has Wolverine’s mutant healing powers, he wasn’t shot.

  3. Of course he wasn’t hit by a bullet. He was grazed, hence the blood. And apparently, graze wounds heal faster.

  4. Elon Musk is a fraud. He has no fealty to truth, or free speech. He’s just another greedy trumpmonkey with a social media platform feathering his nest and massaging his ego. He pretends that his exodus from CA was some noble anti-woke crusade. How transparently laughable. California made him immensely rich. It wouldn’t have happened elsewhere. But after reaping the bounty of talent, tech culture, massive govt subsidies, corporate success and too much money that CA generously provided him, he invokes his war on wokeness as his raison d’etre and bolts for TX. In reality, his overwhelming greed fed by millions in tax concessions and no state income tax compelled him to move his companies and residence.

  5. a graze from bullet would cause significant damage, especially of that caliber. This POS is lying to get sympathy. He was not hit.

  6. After JFK, there’s been hundreds of animated recreations show bullet paths. But nothing for this? No close-up pic of his ear. And very few supplemental camera angles considering how many tv cameras and phones were there.

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