Possible first sighting of an F-16 over Ukraine.

Possible first sighting of an F-16 over Ukraine.

by snarky_answer

  1. I’d be really happy if it was the case but is it possible to identify the aircraft from this video?

  2. Why is Ukraine flying them before they receive the 2 early warning planes? Really risky move.

  3. While I am looking forward for our jets to arrive in Ukraine and I hope they’ll serve them well, I could go to Volkel air base and record an F-16 in flight, then post it as being taken in Ukraine, too.

  4. That is an f16, no big deal tho. You can even buy these used a civilian for 1.2 mill

  5. I just hope AFU forces on the ground can access IFF of aircraft and don’t do a Russian AA and fire on their own aircraft.

  6. That’s an F16, they can’t announce that it’s operational in Ukraine, let’s hope they manage to hide them well in the bases where they are located!

  7. Significant development in the conflict. What do you think this means for the current situation?

  8. Saturday i was driving fon one city to another and saw one being transported, with the wings removed. It was covered with camouflage netting but was definitely American in design.

  9. I’m telling you, it’s a game changer.Go get em killer!!! God bless Ukraine.

  10. It would be a much stronger indicator when seeing a F16 and AFU elements in one clip without cuts or blurs. It is hard to see any references to the theatre. Filming a F16 flying overhead is just a F16 flying overhead.

  11. The F in F-16 stands for FUCKYEAH. Hope those birds make an impact 🤞🤞.

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