Gross minimum monthly salaries and Gross average monthly salaries in Europe

Gross minimum monthly salaries and Gross average monthly salaries in Europe

by cntrresistanceY

  1. Misinformation on the Nordics. We have minimum wages, but they are not set by the state. But by the respective unions of each field.

  2. In Austria there is a minimum salary for nearly every kind of work (98%). The height depends on branch and skillevel. -> Kollektivvertrag

  3. Averages are useless, median would be a much better indicator. 4.7k for Austria is too high. The median is about 3.5k for full time work and if you include all those working poor (self-employed package/food delivery etc.) it will go down even further (src: austria income report 2022).

    Of those employed in Austria almost all have a minimum wage which differs per sector. Thatˋs because the minimum wage is covered by those sector specific contracts (negotiated with the unions). There never was a real need for a minimum wage.

  4. In Greece you have to be worth as much as 10 people before anyone considers paying anything slightly above minimum wage and every employer who pays 100-200 euros more act like they’re doing you a favor.

  5. And now with Rio Tinto, serbia is EU’s #1 lithium exporter. Expecting about 30% rise well above the inflation rate. Vucic finally stopped balancing and tipped to the left… 🙌↗️

  6. Denmark and Switzerland doing amazing without having a minimum wage. Meaning, strong unions are doing amazing.

  7. im assuming average includes people that make literal billions in a month?

    Because aint no way that number for Germany is correct

  8. I’m talking from Romania’s POV since I live here and yeah… the average salary is always skewed by the rich. I’d say the minimum salary is the average for most people that live here, it appears to be over twice that because of the 1% that lives here that end up inflating the stats by a large margin.

    Don’t get me wrong, salaries are indeed higher in the west in cities like Cluj Napoca, Timisoara or in the capital but if you were to talk to your average everyday person their salaries, the average response would probably be 2500-3000 RON which equals to 500-600 Euro.

    I think it all comes down to us having a fairly active IT space which pays a shit ton more than everything else.

  9. I wish these figures would start comparing after-tax. At face value countries like Iceland show really high salaries but the actual take-home is terrible because the income tax is so high. The cost of living reflects the pretax salaries but people are scraping by on the pennies left after tax.

  10. I still have no clue how the average in Germany is between 2-4k.

    I had dozens of Job Interviews and none of them we’re close to that.

    Which job gives that much cash? Maybe I have to switch lol

  11. Ah yes, equality among all. You’re from EU? Me too… we’re not the same though, not in the slightest.

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