He called Kamala Harris “Dumb as a Rock” LMAO!

He called Kamala Harris “Dumb as a Rock” LMAO!

Posted by Realistic-Rate-8831

  1. Hey ma, get in here, I just passed this Dementia Screening that says my IQ is over 9000.

  2. The one thing I want to know more about is the Greenland thing. How bad of a deal would that be?

  3. He literally doesn’t understand that “asylum” has two different meanings and keeps getting it confused every day.

  4. He is definitely weird. And that’s the kindest word for it. May his line die out.

  5. I could probably list bullet points to this effect all day, off the top of my head, from memory.

    There’s so many of them. This guy has been publicly a weird fucking idiot nearly every day for the last decade.

    [Anyone remember the Axios interview?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTbIjlMZCf4&ab_channel=AssociatedPress)

    Still one of my all-time favorites. The look on his face as Trump hands him the paper. It’s just fucking priceless.

    There’s never been anyone this weird or this fucking stupid in politics at any point ever in history.

  6. Old and weird. He’s not fit to run a Waffle House, much less a country. Plus he’s a goddamn traitor who sold out American intelligence assets to Vladimir Fucking Putin. When Burger King finally does send Donald Trump to meet his maker, he will be the flame broiled Whopper.

  7. This should be nailed to freaking telephone poles on every corner. I want to see billboards with shit he’s said absolutely everywhere

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