Erdogan ohrfeigt Kind, weil es ihm während der Zeremonie in Rize nicht die Hand geküsst hat

Erdogan ohrfeigt Kind, weil es ihm während der Zeremonie in Rize nicht die Hand geküsst hat,7054113773926017a

  1. I know this isn’t the worst batch of world leaders in history by far, but having access to 24/7 updates sure makes it seem that way.

  2. And the Gold Medal for Most Consistently and Unrelentingly embarrassing NATO member goes to..

    JFC is anyone else even competing?

    They started off just buying Russian air defenses, then the whole New Ottoman Empire thing happened, and it’s frankly been all downhill since then.

    Why in the name of all that’s fucking holy are the other members of this union okay with this idiot and his schemes?

    Like, I get it, he’s the idiot stepbrother of the organization, so everyone gives him the soft touch, but then he threatens to invade Israel? What?

  3. Not that he isn’t a dictator and all, but it looked to me like he had more of a stern grandpa kind of vibe, with a “knock it off, buster” tap on the cheek. It looked like the little boy hugged him afterward, so, meh.

  4. Dude is going for some kind of crazy villain record, dude threatened to invade Israel and then slapped a child within 24 hours

  5. I had this happen to me as a kid and it really fked me up. The kid was probably just naive, Erdogan deserves… nothing.

  6. He’s really starting to take his Sultan roleplay a bit too seriously.

  7. You do not hit children, ever, end of story.

    Absolute psychopath of a dictator.

  8. This is “respect your elders “ thing with the Muslim world. I expected it to be worse.
    Turkey just needs a leader to truly bring all to the new millennium.

  9. Fuck this guy!! but hey not all erdogan’s suck. my buddy from college is one and he kicks ass

  10. If you actually watch the video, the incident is much less serious than what the word “slap” would imply. It’s a physical rebuke, sure, but the impact wasn’t serious enough to warrant that kind of response, especially in a culture where such discipline is customary and widely accepted. The physical equivalent is an American father tapping his kid on the head. You could call it a “smack”, but that’s misleading.

  11. I think it’s a different culture and it wasn’t a slap or offensive. Turks are just very touchy IMO (saw this convo on Twitter)

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