Slovakia will halt diesel supplies to Ukraine unless oil transit restored, PM says

Slovakia will halt diesel supplies to Ukraine unless oil transit restored, PM says

by OddAioli6993

  1. Slovakia accounts for 10% of UKR diesel imports. Are there alternative suppliers?

  2. How much does Ukraine rely on Slovak supplies? Can Slovak goods be easily replaced by those from elsewhere?

  3. Do these guys realise Ukraine is currently being invaded and involved in a huge war?

  4. The contours of the enemy within are becomming increasingly more visual. Orban is not alone….

  5. The more these guy’s reveal themselves as Russian stoges the less influence they will actually have. I do think that some of what is going on with these countries and thier Russian leanings is Russia is hurting bad enough that they are being pressured by Putin to make life difficult for Ukraine.

    Silly question but how is Ukraine getting its fuel delivered right now.

  6. who is Slovakia going to sell that diesel to instead?

    who is the supplier of diesel that is going to be pushed out by Slovakia?

    whoever that supplier will be, they will be able to then sell their diesel to Ukraine instead…

  7. They probably won’t have oil to produce that diesel, so they stop supplies. I hope Ukraine won’t react to these blackmail attempts from Slovakia and Hungary because this oil and gas transit during the war is unacceptable.

  8. Doubt it’s possible but if we could arrange for their oil needs to be fulfilled from elsewhere, I’d love to watch them squirm as they try to explain why no, it absolutely has to be Russian oil and no other.

  9. The privately owned refineries would get the government slapped down by an EU court if it were to try and meddle in its affairs by telling them who they can sell to and who not.

  10. Their choices very much reflect their overall known stance. Nothing surprising. It’s Ukraine and it’s allies who need to be able to identify them and stop having hopes for them, get them off the decision-making seats…

  11. Which will harm Ukraine far less then this harms Russia. This is a logical thing for Ukraine, but Slovakia is just going to lose more income in addition now. not the brightest choice by Slovakia.

  12. So it is time to stop EU funding not only to Hungary, but also to Slovakia, if they cannot play with common rules.

  13. Slovakia will sell diesel to a third country, which will indirectly sell it to Umoney at a slight markup. The only issue is that it adds more traffic to certain routes and makes it easier for Russia to track the trucks.

    Slovakia is basicly saying give us oil. Otherwise, we’ll stop making money from you.

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