Boy, 17, arrested in connection with Southport stabbings as police say attack not terror-related

Boy, 17, arrested in connection with Southport stabbings as police say attack not terror-related

by insomnimax_99

  1. Remember he was born in Cardiff and was not an asylum seeker

    Despite what the far right is saying

  2. Very few of what the West labels as a terrorist attack is ever actually terrorism. They are almost always autistic young males which doesn’t represent a big enemy the country is at war with. The narrative was peddled during the Neo Con Blair era to justify their geopolitical ventures in the Middle East and North Africa.

    Now this war notion every time the raging resentful sociopath happens to be brown, is being used by the far right.

  3. Two points, because he’s under 18 he cannot be named until convicted, and only then if a judge says so, and as he is under 21 he cannot be given a whole life sentence, no matter what.

  4. The open door immigration is looking like a big mistake. Makes you wonder where all this ends. But at least we get some more spice in our food I guess.

  5. >police say attack not terror-related

    The authorities always ask people not to make assumptions and speculate on social media, then they rush out a statement like that (they’ve been saying it since yesterday).

    They can’t possibly have fully investigated the suspect or drawn any meaningful conclusions about their motivation.

  6. From what I understand all of the victims were little girls and he specifically targeted a Taylor Swift dance workshop. Taylor Swift is one of those figures who is hated the most by incels. I really hope the police will at least consider this being motivated by sexism. For some reason when crimes are clearly motivated by misogyny they’re never recognised as such.

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