Postman ‘shoved in front of train at Oxford Circus over dirty look’

Postman ‘shoved in front of train at Oxford Circus over dirty look’

by tylerthe-theatre

  1. >Brwa Shorsh denies attempted murder


    >When he was arrested, Shorsh – who denies intending to hurt Mr Potoczek – told police that he was “angry” after believing three women on a passing train had been rude to him.


  2. Insert standard reply asking for platform edge gates so that somebody can reply informing me that the rolling stock and signalling would need to be upgraded for them to work.

  3. Cannot believe what I’m reading. Enough internet for the rest of the day even though it’s only 8am.

  4. > Mr Shorsh, of no fixed address, who listened to the hearing through a Kurdish interpreter, has pleaded not guilty to attempted murder and also denied an alternative count of attempted grievous bodily harm.

    Presumably this guy is an asylum seeker (or else why is he here?) – what a way to repay the generosity of your host country and its taxpayers.

  5. Same guy was jailed in 2021 for masturbating in public outside a cafe Nero in Wandsworth’s.
    Should have been repatriated after that offence

  6. What a horrible cretin. Feels like prison isn’t much of a punishment since he’s sleeping rough anyway. Deported and serving life in a Kurdish prison feels more fitting.

  7. This is really disturbing. Could happen to anyone of us. I’m glad that Mr  Potoczek didn’t get killed and I hope that Mr Shorsh (a repeat offender btw) will get repatriated

  8. This is awful – also why people don’t call out antisocial behavior. You don’t know what kinda crazy person you’re dealing with

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