London could get 30 new LTNs after TfL earmarks new funding

London could get 30 new LTNs after TfL earmarks new funding

by verytallperson1

  1. >as Londoners were urged to avoid public transport

    I’d rather TfL fixed public transport than created more LTNs, at least some of which make public transport harder to use.

  2. I support making driving in London a lot less convenient (I drive and cycle myself) but as someone who lives on the outskirts of an LTN, I’m not a massive fan. We seem to have the same volume of traffic in my area but it’s now funnelled through a small number of streets that coincidentally of course are owned by less well off people vs. the far more affluent area with the LTN. 

    Doing something like extending the Congestion Zone would make more sense. There needs to a cost penalty of some sort encouraging people to walk or cycle that 500m journey vs driving and encouraging people onto our very well served Zone 2 public transport system. 

  3. Oh I hate the LTN near me, or the specific implementation at least because they stupidly also apply to residents within the LTN.

    We live in one and there’s a camera close to the end of our drive. If we wanted to go to the supermarket we would turn left out of our drive before and it’s about 1 mile. Now we’re not allowed to and have to do a 4 mile detour instead. 

  4. The local LTN in Palmers Green does absolutely nothing apart from push vehicles away into an already dangerous junction. It’s so corrupt. They shouldn’t apply to residents. I only use my vehicle twice a month to drive 130 miles to visit my terminally sick parents. Rail is too expensive.

  5. Hated the local LTN when it was introduced as obviously it made all the small simple trips much longer, the major roads were more packed during peak times and some of the decisions they made to cut things are very fucking stupid. Also before google adjusted it was even more of a nightmare.

    But once you realise the inconvenience is kinda the point it makes total sense. I walk places a lot more now and I have started cycling more. I am not afraid to say that I needed the push to stop using the car so much.

  6. Overcrowded buses, making trips for disabled people more difficult, if not impossible, and main roads blocked up, which makes car journeys difficult for disabled people who cannot use or rely on public transport It’s more lazy approaches to take cars off the road, whilst punishing disabled people. It’s not the first time a council has ignored the disabled in a half arsed attempt at doing something that is apparently beneficial for everyone.

  7. Sure, it’s not like the Streatham LTN was such an unmitigated disaster and delayed buses so much that even Sadiq Khan, not exactly a petrolhead, had to admit it wasn’t working. While the council kept denying there was any issue.

    I have no doubt that some LTNs may work well.
    But there is also no doubt that some have been unmitigated disasters.

    And there is no doubt councils cannot be trusted to monitor them honestly and scrap those which don’t work – see Lambeth with the Streatham LTN

  8. I detest these things. They’re everywhere, and they’re nothing but a nuisance. I’m all for walking whenever you can, but when I need to get onto the A10 or A406, I need to navigate them sometimes, and it forces me to take the long way around.

  9. Just goes to show what a cheap intervention LTNs are. TfL are only getting a trickle of money from central government for active travel, being able to spend this on 30 of _anything_ is impressive. These kinds of measures are how Dutch cities in the 70s initially started to move away from being dominated by cars.

    Also shows they’re not worried about the “Plan for Drivers” created in the dying throes of the previous Tory government. Some councils had moved to say their active travel interventions would be entirely self funded due to this. Hopefully the new Labour administration can cut through any remaining ambiguity / uncertainty, and we’ll start seeing this approach become common across the whole country, not just London.

  10. With all the gammons moaning on here it seems reddit is the new facebook… I mean this sub has felt basic and touristy for years now but I guess the writing was on the wall when they decided to go public.

  11. Low traffic network … or whatever for those asking

    They creature more traffic for others while giving less to the ones they like basically. No exception for electric cars so the whole thing is out of a stupid book

    Of you have electric excemption for a fixed 3-5 years it would
    Really boost sales and improve air quality much faster

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