I don’t get it, isn’t that what you like ?

I don’t get it, isn’t that what you like ?

by ThatOtherFrenchGuy

  1. maybe it’s because i don’t watch eurovision exactly due to it being a gay parade and i’d rather it stays contained there?

  2. I find funny how everyone thinks this upsets us. Haha no. I just frame it as shit and never think about it again until some Pierre tries to say his culture is superior. Then I show him this with no additional words needed.

  3. You made a point here Pierre: Every contest has to include some homo erotic, body positive, trans visibility bullshit or risk being labeled a bigot.

  4. The classic homo-erotic dancing and singing was not weird.

    That’s problem with French – they make everything weird.

  5. Nah dude you Just did what you could. It was fine, and It really cemented your place in the cultureless half of Europe…

  6. Two highlights of this show :

    * Gojira performing a song about hanging aristocrats
    * upsetting the Catholic bigots for some reason

  7. Come on guys. I want to see Eurovision stuff during Eurovision and watch athletes being celebrated during the Olympics. It’s not that hard to understand. Couldn’t care less about the Smurf but doing it while you only give 5 seconds to athletes was a bit low.

  8. Come back when there’s a drag queen parody of an event in a religious figure’s life at Eurovision.

  9. I mean, there is this one place and time for this kind of shit, and that’s the ESC.

  10. The greatest misconception is that we were angry about the opening ceremony. We aren’t, it was just really not that good. It had interesting ideas, I would had probably liked it if it was something like “Here are a few Fr*ench history points of reference”. But in the end nothing about it said “Olympics opening ceremony” to me. Nothing about it screamed “spirit of sports and fair play”. Even the damn torch looks like a big fat joint. Additionally, there is a time and place for everything. I am all for supporting LGBTQ+ and fat people, but this event isn’t about them. It’s about connecting with a millennias old tradition, about hard working individuals that go above and beyond to push the limits of the human body, and about a ceasefire in the name of building relations even among warring city-states/nations through sports and fair play. It was like being asked to provide an introduction for a cooking show and instead you opened up with an elaborate documentary of pig genetalia and mating calls. “But I still kinda talked about bacon!!”

    Eurovision has always been seen as a fashion show with musical decoration. Anything goes.

    France simply failed to understand the assignment.

  11. It wasn’t that it was gay Pierre, it was that it was tragic instead of fabulous. Poor show.

  12. As an European I’m not upset at all. I congratulate the French on making it so French.

  13. I don’t know a single European who actually respects the Eurovision. It’s just a multinational political talk show full of virtual signalling “singers”.

  14. Artistic Musical Competition =/= Historic Sporting Event

    Glad I could clear that up for you OP.

  15. Setting aside that apart from some memes, most people seem to have thought that it was fine, if maybe a little weird, it’s probably worth noting that Eurovision’s fanbase does not necessarily have a 100% overlap with that of the Olympics. I could well ask you the same about why your beer-loving football crowd got so mad about a trans person advertising Bud Lite when RuPaul’s Drag Race is supposed to be massive over there. Cultures aren’t a monolith. Lots of subcultures are large enough to give the perception that “everyone” loves a thing to an outsider.

  16. The problem was that it was too much .

    It’s becoming tiring that the media always cater to the fringe of a fringe of people + that they didn’t represented France as a whole but that it was important to Get Conchita Saucisse and Dj Gorlock there for like an hour .

    Also it gives a bad image of lgbt people which last time I checked most of them are normal people that want to live normal lives

  17. I don’t think anybody cares at all, havent heard shit about this in real life. Just the internet being special.

  18. When you go watch eurovision you expect a dude in a dress running around the stage in heels that would make you break a leg.

    When you go watch the olympics you expect dudes with abs, preferably in shorts. And badly sung national anthems.

    What a bunch of whales badly cosplaying religious stuff has to do with olympics is another thing completly.

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