Dubai’s Brush With Heat That Feels Like 60C Shows Dangers Ahead. This summer the feels-like temperature in Dubai has already surpassed 60C on five days, compared with just one last year and none in 2022

Dubai’s Brush With Heat That Feels Like 60C Shows Dangers Ahead. This summer the feels-like temperature in Dubai has already surpassed 60C on five days, compared with just one last year and none in 2022

by Wagamaga

  1. Dubai, the Middle Eastern financial hub, has been buffeted by humidity and heat waves that’s already caused temperatures to feel higher than 60C (140F) several days this summer.

    On July 20, for example, temperatures hit a high of 42C at Dubai International Airport, according to data from the US National Weather Service. However, intense humidity that day compounded the heat to make it feel like more than 62C, according to the weather service’s heat index, which combines both metrics to express how the temperature feels to the human body.

  2. On the plus side, all the tech bros that moved there for 0 taxes are regretting it dearly now 😀

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