US intelligence: Kremlin unleashes avalanche of disinformation ahead of elections

US intelligence: Kremlin unleashes avalanche of disinformation ahead of elections

by Wagamaga

  1. Russia is extremely active in trying to influence the public opinion of oblivious Americans by spreading disinformation about the elections, representatives of the US Office of the Director of National Intelligence reported.

    Details: AP notes that the recent tumultuous weeks in US politics have prompted Russia, Iran, and China to reconsider the details of their propaganda plans.


    At the same time, intelligence officials emphasised that these countries remain determined to flood the internet with false statements about American democracy to undermine trust in the elections.

    Quote from an official from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence: “The American public should know that content that they read online – especially on social media – could be foreign propaganda, even if it appears to be coming from fellow Americans or originating in the United States.”

    Details: The greatest threat regarding disinformation during the US elections is seen as coming from Russia, but intelligence emphasises that there are signs Iran is expanding its efforts, and China is acting cautiously.

    Officials say that groups linked to the Kremlin are increasingly hiring marketing and communication companies in Russia to outsource some of the digital propaganda work, thereby covering their tracks.

    Specifically, two such Russian firms became the target of new US sanctions announced in March – they created fake websites and social media profiles to spread Kremlin disinformation.

    The media notes that the disinformation could focus on candidates or voting, or on issues already being debated in the US, such as immigration, crime, or the war in the Gaza Strip.

    The ultimate goal, however, is to get Americans to spread Russian disinformation without questioning its origin.

    Officials say that people are much more likely to trust and repost information they believe comes from a domestic source. Fake websites designed to mimic American media and social media profiles created using artificial intelligence are just two methods used by the Russians.


    Recently, the United States, in cooperation with the Netherlands, disrupted a Russian-backed propaganda campaign that used artificial intelligence to spread disinformation in Western countries. A few months ago, European intelligence agencies informed their governments that Russia was planning a pan-European sabotage.

  2. Unleashes avalanche? More like continues to upkeep the constant flow of shit. Keep trying, assholes

  3. Honest question: what are we  Europeans doing against these attacks? Are we fighting back? 

  4. Russian propaganda i believed in: Russia won’t invade Ukraine.

    Western propaganda i believed in: Putin has cancer, weapon X will change the course of the war, Russia in desperate need of ammunitions, soldiers stealing washing machines, sancion number Y is going to cripple russia, they’ll see after the spring count offensive, the missile on the market, nord stream sabotage.

  5. The fact that we still have to put up with this shit more than a decade after it first started is totally dispiriting.

    At least it’s acknowledged now, for a long time it was an unacknowledged reality that everyone but those in power realised was happening.

  6. Of course they are doing it. They have personal interest in USA not helping Europe.

  7. Russia can’t continue as this kind of enemy. They have to be bottlenecked somehow with tailored sanctions and possibly an internet that gets a timeout for abuse.

  8. They always said that technology (computers) would mean wars will be faught differently, so why not accept that’s what this is… a declaration of war. It should be, and both the UK, France and U.S especially should have a case to retaliate based on the harm it can cause economies and society.

    I’ve seen this and thought this from the start, and it’s fucking frustrating. They need to be stopped, let’s just say that.

  9. The West should attack RuZZian digital infrastructures in the same fashion, as to occupy their army of hackers.

    But the West has cowards all over the place, because muh escalation

  10. Maybe a hard to swallow pill for the general public, but ID based social media seems more and more like the next logical step in fighting disinformation.

  11. Given how both the left and right side of the media function as extensions of a political party all you need to do is post the truth 😂😂😂

  12. The West should block the threats based on IPs: 90% will be contained and the rest dealt wiith.

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