Come on eurobros, are you going to let the americunts win?

Come on eurobros, are you going to let the americunts win?

by Hellvetic91

  1. UK lowest homicide rate, although yesterday we had a 17 year old go into a dance class of primary aged children and stab 8 children and 2 adults. 2 children have died already and the other 6 and the adults are in intensive care. So yeah. Go UK!

  2. Wtf is that label and arrow? Are we too cool to label our y axis these days?

  3. Dont listen to him, if they kill themselves more than we do, we wont have them as tourists

  4. But we are winning.

    Saying Americans wins is like saying I am better than Usain Bolt at running, because I take a longer time to do the same distance.

    Biggest number doesn’t mean you win. I know it is hard for a swiss to understand that big number aren’t always great but life is not a bank account.

  5. Iโ€™m one murder away from my apartment having a higher homocide rate than either of these guys.

  6. lol @ the big spike in the USA’s homicide numbers in 2001. Wonder what that could be.

  7. >The U.S. Department of Justice reports that about 60% of all adult firearm deaths are by suicide

    The secret ingredience is *gun control*

  8. Oi Germany, send a few more ships to the Mediterranean, we need boatloads from the north-african coast so we can have new talent to help us top up our sats and shame the yanks

  9. I might have to step in ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ

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