US-Beamte deuten an, dass der Iran versucht, Trumps Wahlkampf zu untergraben, während Russland das Gegenteil tut

US-Beamte deuten an, dass der Iran versucht, Trumps Wahlkampf zu untergraben, während Russland das Gegenteil tut

  1. Great if we can just pay Venezuela and North Korea to pile on the anti-trump side then we will have fact based neutral media again!

    This is what it sounds like to me when people suggest they can watch two opposing propaganda channels and get the truth.

  2. President Biden will take his position for the 800metre sprint. Look at them wrinkles, he’s been training 30 years for this moment.

    Next to him we have Donald Trump, in his recent interview he talks about destroying Chayna.

  3. So, ignoring the problem of foreign interference in our elections…does this not possibly signify that Iran might want Trump to not win so they can try to come back to the nuclear treaty deal with their new, relatively, moderate president?

  4. How about all of them stay the fuck out of our elections? Is that too much to ask for?

  5. Only these two? What the hell the rest of the world is doing? It’s not like US election is internal US business or anything. Everybody should participate!

  6. That may be true, but Trump is doing a better job than Iran on undercutting his own campaign

  7. Russia’s playing the long game. Iran is playing the short game. Trust me, if Trump weren’t aligned with Christian/Pro-Israel, “find any reason to wage war with Iran today,” crowd…they would be pulling for Trump too. Iran would be delighted to see the United States and it’s allies be weakened by a Trump presidency. It’s just that not being bombed, in a sooner timeline, is a more immediate priority.

  8. 🤣🤣🤣

    I should be scared and angry about a news saying that other countries can affect the elections, but still is funny.

  9. Not surprising since Iran has a bone to pick with Trump over the assassination of Soleimani.

  10. Good luck figuring out which side is telling the democrats to focus on the stupid bullet wound conspiracy rather than the parts of the campaign gaining ground.

  11. Political “influence” has been going on for all of human history, is anyone surprised?

  12. What did they think was going to happen when they funded Gaza protests? Whose support did they think they were bleeding? Iran and Palestinians got absolutely *used* by Putin

  13. I said for months that either side could seize control of the election simply by replacing their candidate with literally anyone who is not a senile octogenarian. The Ds finally made their move. Will Rs be smart enough to counter?

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