Hungary simplifies entry for Russian, Belarusian citizens, German media reports

Hungary simplifies entry for Russian, Belarusian citizens, German media reports

by MrSkivi

  1. Hungary is subtly relaxing its entry requirements for Russian and Belarusian citizens, who are now included in the National Card program which allows them to work in Hungary for up to two years.

    The National Card is available to individuals interested in working or conducting business in the country. It simplifies the process compared to regular work permits or business visas and offers several advantages, including family unification, eligibility for permanent residency after at least three years, and the ability to change status without returning to the home country.

    The RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland news outlet (RND) reported that there is no special vetting process at the European level for National Card holders, which has raised concerns among Hungary’s neighboring countries. In spring, the Hungarian government announced that it was expecting around 65,000 guest workers, RND reported.

    As of July, the National Card became available for the citizens of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia.

    A member of the European Parliament told RND that permitting entry into an EU country without checks, while Russia is actively working to undermine Europe through hybrid attacks, is the wrong approach. However, he added that it is incorrect to label all Russian citizens collectively.

    After holding the National Card in Hungary for at least three years, individuals can qualify for permanent residency. This status offers a variety of additional benefits, including the freedom to live and work throughout the country.

    After spending an additional eight years in Hungary, permanent residents can apply for citizenship which provides the advantages of unrestricted travel, work, and residence across all EU countries.

  2. Another reason why hungary needs to be kicked out of EU.
    Literally are opening gates for saboteurs. amoung a ton of other things they are doing to ruin our lives.

  3. FYI Orbán rules by decree since 2020. The people have no say in this.

  4. When considering your vacation plans.

    Remember you can boycott Hungary, by not visiting, and thereby supporting them economically.

  5. The EU needs to be reformed. I truly believe in the EU and think it can be a modell for the future of the continent but not the way it is now. The two big changes need to be removing the national veto in favour of some form of qualified majority voting to avoid being paralysed by the likes of Hungary. It also needs a punishment system of some kind, currently to my understanding the only punishment that can be issued is the halting of EU funds to an unruly member. But this doesn’t work as many countries don’t actually NEED that money and just have it for extra spending, the needs to be some method to possible reinstate border checks or something crippling like that if countries do not follow EU laws.

  6. I’m in desperate need for a Von der Leyen speech about universal values right now.
    That will scare off Orban immediately!

  7. The EU needs to do something about this fast. This is a direct threat to to our security.

  8. Less Russians and Belarusians in Russia and Belarus is actually better for EU. On the contrary to immigrants from some other countries, those tend to be doctors and engineers.

  9. Who ever wants to escape war/putin is welcome in my country,saboteurs and agents will always come no metter the occasion

  10. Meaning Orbán now actively supports russian sabotage operations. Time to lock this traitor up.

  11. I get this panic about spies. But really – FSB agents will find a way in EU without problems anyway.

    On the other hand it will be better if more people will have opportunity to escape from tyranny.

  12. Can Hungary be thrown out of Schengen now finally? And the EU + NATO next? The Hungarian electorate had years to sort this mess out. This is not a one off.

    The longer the EU and NATO just tolerate this, the more they make a fool of themselves.

  13. Close borders with Hungary citing threat to national security. Isolate Hungary to such a degree that they leave the EU and NATO by themselves.

  14. I mean, quite the smart move… This will increase the brain drain on Russia and Belarus.
    The most who will leave will later also leave Hungary net win for the EU

  15. That’s good news for a couple thousands Russians who don’t support war. But real Hungary’s intentions are not clear.

  16. There must be a lot of Russian rubles in Orban’s secret account. Or some really hot Russian prostitute in his bed, part time KJB agent.

  17. Apparently, the sales of extra strong toilet bolts are off the scale in Hungary.

  18. As a hungarian I feel like vomiting. No words. Our government has no mandate to betray it’s friends and allies and replace them with Russia and China.

  19. Shengen country with open border for Russians, it’s like they asking to be fucking kicked out….

  20. I read that the EU will talk about this at an EU summit in October, while the new rules are already actual.

    So plenty of time for spies to enter the Schengen area.

    I thought the EU politicians at least would try to protect us.

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