Saturday 30 July, the first “T In The Park” music festival took place.

Saturday 30 July, the first “T In The Park” music festival took place.

by Buddie_15775

  1. Its funny seeing bands like Blur, Pulp and Oasis on the smaller stage/tent

  2. Must’ve been great seeing The Crash Test Dummies when they were in their prime, doing all their big hits.

  3. Internet was a gift and curse for music. Not many shared experiences with bands anymore.

  4. Ah, Strathy Park. I sat on my grannies back steps listening to the music in the distance, pouting because my mum and aunty didn’t take me. By the time I was old enough, they’d buggered off somewhere else. 😀

  5. WTF I don’t even think Rage were headliners for anything in the US at this time.

  6. My God those were the days. I am officially an old man, but it’s true.

  7. I was there on the Saturday. Cypress hill / ratm was too good to miss. They were even on stage together for a while. I think it was $25 per day for tickets.

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