⚡️Hungary’s simplification of entry for russians is “opening the door for spies”, – said the head of the European People’s Party Weber. Such a policy could “create serious loopholes for espionage and potentially allow large numbers of russians to enter Hung…

⚡️Hungary’s simplification of entry for russians is “opening the door for spies”, – said the head of the European People’s Party Weber.

Such a policy could “create serious loopholes for espionage and potentially allow large numbers of russians to enter Hung…


by Orcasystems99

  1. Hungary’s simplification of entry for russians is “opening the door for spies”, – said the head of the European People’s Party Weber.

    Such a policy could “create serious loopholes for espionage and potentially allow large numbers of russians to enter Hungary with minimal oversight.” The European Commission will now communicate with the Hungarian authorities to find out the specific scope of Budapest’s decision and its compliance with European rules.

  2. Hungary should be suspended from the Schengen agreement immediately. Its citizens should not be able to move freely from Hungary to Europe (indirect pressure, bad, I know, but still…) and russians who entered the EU via Hungary should be expelled right away.

  3. At this point just fucking kick them out of EU and NATO.

    A poor backwater with 8 million inhabitants isn’t worth all this trouble

  4. When I was a kid I would always be told to make a list of pros and cons before making a decision. I can guarantee the list of shit that involves having Hungary part of NATO is extremely damn large and outweighing any possible pros.

  5. What does Hungary have to do to be kicked out of NATO and the EU? Is it necessary to get to a point where they enter an alliance with Russia in an armed conflict with NATO, before we can kick the out? Orban is taking orders directly from the Kremlin, they have him compromised some how.

  6. I am sure he is breaking a law somewhere, deliberately creating a backdoor. The EU or the member states individually should contain this, keeping the Russians out of Hungary. If anything, its time to start funding EU friendly opposition parties in Hungary and create complimentary Hungarian language media channels, hosted abroad to deliver the message. When some US States tried this almost 200 years ago, it ended with General Sherman burning them down.

  7. Orban is going to get Europeans killed via Russian sabotage. That’s probably what it will take to get them booted. 

  8. There may be a silver lining in that Russians can flee their own country more easily. This could further degrade the labor and mobilization pool.

    How this offsets all the potential negatives? Probably not too much…

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