Putin Aide Exposes Ukraine & West’s Real Agenda Behind Push For Peace Amid War With Russia | Watch

Putin Aide Exposes Ukraine & West’s Real Agenda Behind Push For Peace Amid War With Russia | Watch

Russia has made a big claim about Ukraine’s real intentions behind pushing for peace. Putin’s aide Nikolai Patrushev claimed that the peace push is a “tactical manoeuvre”. the statement comes even as war continues to rage in Ukraine even after several attempts at peace talks. Watch this video to find out all details.

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  1. If Trump win then it will be a bad news for radical Islamist and Ukrainian and if Kamala wins then it will a good news for Ukrainian but bad news for Israel. This is current Geo politics

  2. In every HT posting you'll find "trolly"-s: ('RADIO'); ('FABIANSCHROTTER'); ('KASPERTUBE'); ('MOOZ'); ('SHUTLLESPACE'); ('PIETJEPUK'); ('RJOHANSEN'); ('CORVANNA'); ('BEWLBROS'); ('STEVEB'); ('SALVOR'); ('AURXA'); ('VICVAC'); ('MARKRATHMEL'). What do you think, are they wasting everyone's time for free?; ('FABIANSCHROTTER'); ('KASPERTUBE'); ('MOOZ'); ('SHUTLLESPACE'); ('PIETJEPUK'); ('RJOHANSEN'); ('CORVANNA'); ('BEWLBROS'); ('STEVEB'); ('SALVOR'); ('AURXA'); ('VICVAC'); ('MARKRATHMEL'). What do you think, are they wasting everyone's time for free? Below you can find "trolly"-s: ('RADIO') & ('RJOHANSEN')

  3. If Ukraine really wanted peace, then they would have removed the legislation Zelensky introduced in September 22 than banned negotiations with Putin. Without removing this, no one in Ukraine can talk peace with Russia without committing treason.

  4. The West isn't pushing for peace. The longer the war continues, the longer Russia is held in a wartime economy. And we all know what happens to a country that has been held in wartime economy for any length of time once the war ends. The West is simply trying to manipulate Russia into financial hole that will take decades to recover from. It won't even matter if they win or lose.

  5. In every HT posting you'll find "trolly"-s: ('RADIO'); ('FABIANSCHROTTER'); ('KASPERTUBE'); ('MOOZ'); ('SHUTLLESPACE'); ('PIETJEPUK'); ('RJOHANSEN'); ('CORVANNA'); ('BEWLBROS'); ('STEVEB'); ('SALVOR'); ('AURXA'); ('VICVAC'); ('MARKRATHMEL'). What do you think, are they wasting everyone's time for free?; ('FABIANSCHROTTER'); ('KASPERTUBE'); ('MOOZ'); ('SHUTLLESPACE'); ('PIETJEPUK'); ('RJOHANSEN'); ('CORVANNA'); ('BEWLBROS'); ('STEVEB'); ('SALVOR'); ('AURXA'); ('VICVAC'); ('MARKRATHMEL'). What do you think, are they wasting everyone's time for free? Below you can find "trolly"-s: ('RADIO') & ('RJOHANSEN')

  6. Since Zelensky is a very PREDICTABLE CLOWN, I would say that Putin´s aide is correct. Zelensky might have learned that "GOING IN CIRCLE" tactic from israel-hamas war that unless one was really pushed to the corner the real intention couldn´t be squeezed out.

  7. It’s laughable that Russia keeps on accusing its adversaries for what they are doing themselves or intending to do.
    Ever since 2022 when I started following this conflict closely they have done this repeatedly!

    Putin Lavrov & Co are ridiculing themselves and the whole Russian people. Pulling their pants down on themselves whilst impoverishing a country that could be both rich and prosperous having happy citizens instead of like now – people fleeing to other countries.

    What a failure!
    What a failed governing of such a rich country!

    Disagreeing?… read below!

    Would people make the enormous sacrifices it means losing their jobs, roots, relatives and friends by moving abroad if a country is good, fair and prosperous?

    Kind regards

  8. Yes, to rest, refit, regroup, build reserves and attack again.
    Russia aint stupid.

    Just accept that you are about to be disposed of ol zello.

    Kissinger: to be a friend of america is fatal.

    You should have listened……

  9. It is only right Ukraine might push for peace. Unless you guys are totally blinded by Russian propaganda and the untruths that come from the Kremlin, Russia invaded a sovereign country in Feb 2022 and since then has destroyed the cities, split up families, killed thousands. Every night Russian missiles rain down on Ukrainian cities. HOW in God or Allah's name can that be right? I saw some stupid comment below about linking the Venezuelan election result to some sort of corruption in Ukraine? What utter nonsense? Madiro stated clearly "I will win the election by whatever means needed"..IS THAT NOT CLEAR ENOUGH? In UKRAINE, because the Russians are not grown up enough to realise another country wants, in this case, to look towards THE WEST to prosper and towards democracy and freedom, the Orange Revolution sought to stop the then Moscow-backed President who wanted to push Ukraine back into the Russian fold. I cannot understand how people who had to fight to escape British colonialism fail to empathise with Ukraine wishing to escape from Russian imperialism and colonialism. Can you guys NEVER ever SEEM TO GET IT that Russia is a colonial power intent on regaining control of Poland, Rumania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia….all of which have voluntarily MOVED TOWARDS THE WEST FOR THEIR FUTURE? I used to go on Soviet ships in the 1970's when I was a seaman. Polish, Hungarian and Romanian sailors just said they wanted the Soviets GONE, GONE, GONE. Their lives were not their own and they wanted to be able to direct their own lives although they liked aspects of Soviet life like the education and health systems YOU LOT ARE COMPLETELY BLINDED BY THE SOCIEPATH IN THE KREMLIN!

  10. Here, I forgot to rejoice and perhaps you will do so also with me! Isn't it great that Ukrainian military and intelligence operatives are in South Sudan and Mali and other areas of Africa seeking to assist freedom fighters fighting the Russian Wagner group? Wagner, you may recall was set up by a hugely brutal guy called Prizoghin who upset Putin and was shot out of the sky and assassinated for his troubles! Nice! Anyway, back to my point Wagner are in Africa on a Colonial mission to get RUSSIAN hands on gold, diamonds, copper, lithium all kinds of raw materials that Africa has. The jihadis and freedom fighters have just cost Wagner heavy losses after heavy and fierce battles and YES the Ukrainians have a hand in it! I bet old man Putin wishes he had never made the fatal mistake of invading Ukraine, what a colossal and catastrophic clanger that was the fool!

  11. Russia must not stop, until the West allows unconditional surrender in Ukraine. This will not happen as the West has put Billions into " Project Ukraine" They have promised investors huge returns on their investments which they can no longer guarantee. Never ever trust the West. War wonderful war. Such a profitable business for the merchants of death,. The MIC, the banksters and all the politicians involved, that benefit from war, at the expense of the MSM dumbed down ignorant taxpayers. Peace for these people is never an option, only endless wars. Humanity is truly sick. just the way I see it.

  12. Putin's real agenda with Ukraine is to occupy all of Ukraine and infiltrate and destabilize the Baltic States and Moldova and than Poland and to infiltrate and destabilize Europe.

  13. Also, political milage for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the coming elections. Most American want peace, but Biden and Kamala's backers are pro-war, as part of electioneering they pretend to want peace. Donald Trump as president will end the war.

  14. Ukraine is known to have violated the Istanbul peace deal and both Minsk I&II. So President Putin is correct again. Russia needs to put an end to this charade once and for all.

  15. This is my first time seeing plain and obvious Russian propaganda, the fact that this is what they are being told is absurd. I feel bad for the people who fall for this shit, hopefully there can be peace again soon.

  16. Zelensky: This conflict WILL BE Settled on the Battlefield. 😡

    V. Putin: What HE Said, however , ;I'm open to Peace Talks.

    Trump: I want this Conflict to be OVER before I get into office.

    V. Putin: It will be over by November Elections.

    Trump: Good Then I can take Credit for Ending it.

    Harris: 🤢⏳🤕

    Biden: 😴😴🚑

    Poland-Hungary-Romainia: We want our historical lands back from Ukriane.

    V. Putin: When I take ODESSA, what is Yours is open for Discussion.

    Zelensky: 😳🗽✈️

  17. So the narrative here is that because third party broke a contract, its ok to bomb children's hospitals of a sovereign country. Lets remember this when china goes for india.

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