I thought you expelled your kings to avoid these things, Emmanuel

I thought you expelled your kings to avoid these things, Emmanuel

by ciprule

  1. Charles was an excuse, Macron just wanted to go balls to the wall on taxpayer’s dime and wrote it off as diplomatic dinner.

  2. The fuck… did they eat the last member of an alien specie cooked on lunar stones?

  3. I would imagine that it all went back into the Fr economy as it would regardless of it being 1 banquet vs 3 smaller ones.

  4. Charles the Based.

    Any opportunity to fuck over the French people must always be taken.

  5. With 500 000 would literally turn my life around and those bastard use it to feed english royalty.

  6. I bet Charles is pretty sick of lobster and fancy food by now and all he craved was a bloody fish and chips.

  7. Isn’t King Charles who just called the Olympic ceremony pretentious or something?

  8. Checks out. Even if you eat a turd of poop at a Paris restaurant you are going to be generously overcharged.

  9. Classic media wording of headlines…

    Couldn’t be more biased towards it being King Charles’ fault rather than Macron hosting decision.

  10. I’m surprised. Lobster isn’t that expensive in Paris (you can buy it fresh from Brittany in the huge Rungis market), the ElysĂŠe* already has permanent chefs on its payroll, as well as the whole apparatus for state meals.

    Where did the money go?

    *presidential palace

  11. We expelled our kings so that we can choose who will benefit from that for the next 5 years.

    Please vote for me next!

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