‘We don’t serve Protestants’: Man settles religious discrimination case against Bittles Bar

A man has settled his case of religious discrimination against Belfast bar owner John Bittles for £6,500, after he was allegedly told that they “don’t serve Protestants”.
Mr Bittles owns the popular city centre establishment.

The case against him was supported by the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland.

The Commission said the incident took place during a Friday afternoon and left the man feeling “embarrassed and intimidated”.

They said as the man entered the bar, he met the landlord, John Bittles, who he knew and had spoken to before, but who then said to him: “No seat, no drink, new rules in the bar. I look after my locals”.

He said that Mr Bittles then pointed to a group of men on his left and continued: “You have not been in here for about three years and we don’t serve Protestants, only joking, no I’m not.”

The man said that the comments were said “very loudly” and “were greeted by cheering from other customers” within the bar making him feel so uncomfortable that he then immediately left the bar.

He then reported the incident to the PSNI, who recorded it as a hate crime.

“I just wanted to have a drink. I’d been to Bittles Bar many times before over the years. The landlord knows me, and I was shocked by his comments and was really concerned by the reaction of the people in the bar,” the man said.

“I honestly thought the days of this type of behaviour in Northern Ireland were behind us. I felt I had to challenge it, so I reported it to the police and contacted the Equality Commission.”

Geraldine McGahey, Chief Commissioner, Equality Commission for Northern Ireland said that, while this type of incident is “exceptionally rare” it serves as a reminder to all businesses that they have responsibilities under the anti-discrimination laws.

“This type of case is exceptionally rare with regards to discrimination from service providers or service users, but it was important to note and also highlight as a reminder to businesses and service users that there is a time and place for banter like this and it is important that customers do not feel intimidated or degraded because of their religious beliefs.

“People are protected from religious belief and political opinion discrimination in the provision of a wide range of services.

“Everyone who walks through their doors should be treated with dignity and respect, no matter what their religious background,” she added.

“This is also a reminder for each of us that what someone might see as banter or a harmless joke could have the effect of being offensive or intimidating to someone else.

“And it is also important to highlight the protection and support that is there for people who have been subject to this kind of discrimination.”

Ms McGahey said that “you can count on one hand” the amount of cases similar to this the Equality Commission have dealt with since the law came into place in 1998.

“What we need to do is reinforce the message that this type of behaviour is unacceptable,” she added.

Belfast Telegraph has approached Bittles Bar for comment.

In settling the case John Bittles apologised for any upset and distress caused to the man and affirmed commitment to the principles of equality in respect of the provision of services to the public. He has also agreed to liaise with the Equality Commission.

by WaluigisHat

  1. It’s a novelty bar. Why anyone would go in there regularly is beyond me and yes he’s an absolutely horrible wee man!

  2. Yeah, fuck that place …….. just proves the point he is a horrible fucker. Although we have had many on here say “its just his way” etc and he is a good bloke.


    Oh that’s just lovely, hope he enjoys the 6.5k as much as I enjoyed reading about it. 


  4. Why isn’t this disgusting, smelly dump of a place being boycotted?
    Outright sectarian little shite, apple doesn’t fall far from the tree either.
    Repulsive, disgusting people who own that bar.

  5. Seems like a bigot. Seems like a total cunt.

    But he’s done nothing wrong here overall, it’s no different than ashers bakery.

  6. Chances are he was playing up the group of customers inside the place who he knew were Catholics/nationalists and were spending plenty. So he saw his chance to curry favour with this group to get them to spend more.
    Really inappropriate behaviour whichever way you look at it. Even if it was a tongue-in-cheek comment, what a complete ballbag.

  7. I swear this guy has been in the news before for being a bigot. Am I remembering this right?

  8. Beyond the above incident, on the basis of various stories relating to that bar and the owner reported in media over the years..

    Both the establishment and the proprietor don’t seem the most inviting or the friendliest..

    It’s surprising they have any customers.

  9. Guys a prick and has always been one. To be honest tho he loves the publicity.

  10. This seems like a story from years and years ago, thankfully this sort of carry on is rare these days.

  11. Your bar smells like pish mate. Me and my proddy mates will take our money elsewhere. What a tool

  12. John can be a dick at times but it does sound like your man was just getting a bit of a ribbing and he’s taken the huff and walked off. In isolation the comment isn’t cool but was he actually refused service here? If he’d stuck around I’m pretty sure he’d have got a pint.

  13. I love how he says he looks after the locals.
    When they all die. Who would be the locals then.

    Complete arse-biscuit.

  14. Wow. Bittles needs to get using this sub, with that attitude he’d be upvoted into karma god status in no time 👍

  15. I’m not a big fan of Bittles but I can’t believe somebody went to the police for that

  16. This is 5th year girls level stuff. Him and his wee band of regulars can all fuck off into the sunset.

  17. Must have been a joke. Bittles doesn’t have a sectarian bone in his body really

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