Southport stabbing: ‘Hero’ window cleaner tackled knifeman after girls attacked in dance class

Southport stabbing: ‘Hero’ window cleaner tackled knifeman after girls attacked in dance class

by MajorHubbub

  1. Most definitely a hero, the attacker had a black belt in karate and a knife/machete.

  2. Somehow I feel like this guy isn’t going to be tabulated as part of the “invasion” that is “breaking our country”.

  3. Poor man, having to witness that horror with a young family of his own. He chose to tackle the guy and risk his own kids losing their father.

    A true hero. 

  4. Wait till the right wing cultural crusaders sober up at 15:00. I’m sure they’ll find a reason to deport him.

  5. Brave man. He almost certainly saved lives thanks to his courage and quick actions.

  6. >“It was just Joel and just one other police officer. Another police officer turned up and the three of them went in and tackled him to the ground. Apparently one of the police officers Tasered the man and then they just all jumped on him.”

    If there were only 2 officers to begin with, having an extra guy probably made a big difference in stopping the attacker. It is a really brave thing he did, and hopefully the trauma doesn’t mess him up too much.

  7. At least there’s some good in this dreadful situation.

    “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people that are helping.’” — Fred Rogers

  8. Well done to that man, really admirable actions. I hope he isn’t too traumatised by what he has seen, there’s no getting over that.

  9. This is the kind of “nudge unit” news designed to distract the population against being angry at government failing that caused this.

    Merseyside police has already spoken to journalists saying their response to the stabbing is “being managed”

  10. Honestly, nothing but my deepest respect to those that jumped in to defend. I like to think I’d step up to the plate in that situation but truthfully I’d probably stand there, frozen, gawping like a slack jawed idiot.

  11. There was another man who rushed in to help too. Dont forget the staff protecting the girls too. Still in critical condition. These people are heroes and will be honoured as such. Hits close to home, my kid in same school and year group. Scary shit. I hugged my kid tight last night.

  12. Wonderful man. I hope he gets some support because seeing that must have been horrific for him.

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