Temperatures in Europe today

Temperatures in Europe today


by OldandBlue

  1. Shout-out to all my fellow delivery guys, mailmen and whatnot. Stay hydrated, stay safe!

  2. Glad I’m working in the middle of the North Sea at the moment. Quite pleasant here.

  3. Up in the north we are prolonging summer. Hang tough down there on the continent. 💪

  4. I loved summer, was a little sad when it was coming to an end. But this year, please end it as soon as possible.

  5. So, next year we are going on vacation to the Scandinavian countries i guess.

  6. So glad I have a fan. 29°C in my flat and it’s very bearable.

    But I’m still glad the heat will only last one more day.

  7. My beloved city, Sofia (Bulgaria), experienced a sudden temperature drop to 9-13 degrees, unlike all other places around. How many mistakes can you find on this map?

  8. 24 degrees in the south of the UK, just right. Feel sorry for anyone with warmer weather! Americans could never with our lack of air con

  9. 28 degrees in Sardinia with nice wind and a Mediterranean beach to enjoy

    Feeling blessed

  10. And this is why I’m bivouacked in the woods 😎

    Downside: shitting myself because deer cries are eerily similar to wolves

  11. Pretty… ok?

    There were 45° in Eastern Europe just 2 weeks ago (real feel over 47°).

    There was a cool wave over Western and Central Europe, so y’all got protected from the scorching hells.

  12. Lovely day in Belgrade, Serbia today. 28 degrees, some breeze. Compared to literal fucking hell two weeks ago where we had 40 every day

  13. so for most of central and eastern Europe just a normal summer day…. not too pleasant for parts of France, Italy and spain

  14. 25°C in eastern Slovakia… I was finally able to go out for more than ť minutes without being all covered in sweat.

  15. Toooooo warm. I miss the days with 20° other less already. Rain too.

    And yeah, we haven’t had many hot days up here in Germany and I loved it.

  16. Just got home from rome. The temp in denmark hits harder than rome even tho its like half

  17. Parking spots in the shade are the new battlegrounds at Aldi and Lidl. And for me, not passing out when walking across the nigh boiling hot parking lot.

    But oh, the refrigerated sections inside rarely were better visited.

  18. Today was pretty bearable tbh. “Only” 29 compared to 34 2 days ago…

  19. Not saying it’s not hot but large parts of Portugal cannot be considered red because they’re just business as usual temps unless this is just a chart of anything above zero is hot.

    Doesn’t help raise awareness if just saying warm is warm.

    I’d delete this reply because it’s clear it is but really some of these temps are just normal.

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