White Dudes for Harris” X suspension sparks fury: “Election interference

“White Dudes for Harris” X suspension sparks fury: “Election interference”


Posted by reflibman

  1. Musk doesn’t get the Streisand effect. I wasn’t going to donate, but I’ve changed my mind. Never would have done it except for this. (Some corny celebrity group? Meh. Censorship of said corny group? I’m in!)

  2. After meeting with his fellow Trump ally Netanyahu, he was told “White dudes for Harris is like Chickens for KFC”

  3. 凸 ( ͡❛ ͜ʖ ͡❛)凸 Elon

    🌊💙 Harris 2024 🌊💙🌊💙 Harris 2024 🌊💙🌊💙 Harris 2024 🌊💙🌊💙 Harris 2024 🌊💙🌊💙 Harris 2024 🌊💙

  4. When are people and business going to finally leave Twitter? Really, what does it take?

  5. lmao at a bunch of upper class white dudes thrilled to finally get to use all the liberal cultural incantations on themselves

  6. Someone said “Who cares, it was only 2 or 3 hours!” But, they still did it.

  7. I want to play a very mild devil’s advocate and ask if we know for certain the money is going to Kamala’s campaign.

  8. Oh that’s cute, they’re complaining about election interference

    Pot meet kettle

  9. JFC when did the left wing and the Democrats get so *smart*.

    Calling it “Election Interference” ala Don-Old is *brilliant.* Words cannot describe.

    It’s incredible watching competent, motivated people run a campaign. I haven’t seen anything like this since Obama.

  10. Musk and his entire corporate empire need to be completely dismantled. Teslas are trash, Twitter is now complete trash, his stance toward his own child further evidence of him being absolute fucking trash. Fuck musk. 

  11. Why are people still supporting X? When is the mass exodus from X going to happen? MMGA! (Make Myspace Great Again!).

  12. Emerald boy is clearly interfering in the election. Seize the website, and send him to Guantanomo. Joe can declare it an ” official act”.

  13. Nobody’s mind changed, bots can spam all the news they want your either indoctrinated or not.

  14. Don’t buy a Tesla, get off of ‘x’. Smother the fire by denying it oxygen.

  15. Don’t understand Twitter. I’m an elder melennual who has happily been off it for 10 years but works in tech, how does he still have a company?! It’s a chat room run by an ass hole. Replicate it if your in for misery.

  16. Can’t we deport Elon? Or does the right only want brown people deported

  17. Remember when all the conservative morons complained about how their opinions were suppressed (though it was because those opinions went explicitly against the terms and conditions of those website but they won’t understand)?

  18. Elroy’s whole point in buying Twitter was to shut down Dems organizing ability.

  19. Yes it is.  He’s allowed.

    Get off twitter, I don’t know why anyone with credibility is still there.

  20. We know Elon is an ass, but what about the employees pushing this stuff through for him? No way is Elon single-handedly silencing accounts like this before election season, there are employees who have a degree of responsibility.

    For money or not, these people know what they are doing.

  21. Is Musk the new and improved Pillow Man? LOL 😂 When are these types going to learn? Half of their customers/clients are playing on the other team. So stupid! My parents taught me to never talk about politics, religion and sex with acquaintances and customers/clients. Best advice ever.

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