Luigi trolled the best way possible

Luigi trolled the best way possible

by Mathiuuus

  1. Italy should retaliate by offering free capsule hotel rooms for 2 days when they win against Hong Kong. Or maybe even just cages filled with a matress that barely fit a human being.

  2. Why would the average Italian care if savages from across the globe bastardize the imitation of a dish into shit and then proceed to eat it?

    Go ahead, eat shit.

  3. You know if Ww3 happens we should really take back hong kong 🇭🇰 very cool country

  4. I’ve seen pizza with toppings like chips and cut up hot dog wieners in Italy. Granted, the most shocking stuff was served in Verona where pizza isn’t a traditional food and you should subside on horse meat only but still… I think if they can assault their food in all kinds of ways I should at least be entitled to some pineapple on my pizza.

  5. “Winning” fencing.. you mean colluded judges not giving the win to italy

  6. That’s probably the only “good” dish they will ever taste in their entire lifetime

  7. Wait a minute, pineapple instead of the usual dog meat topping? That’s real progress.

  8. Lovely attempt by the definitely-not-Chinese at trolling, unfortunately I couldn’t give less of a fuck about their pseudo country on the verge of assimilation. Maybe spend some energy fighting back againt Chairman Pooh instead of wasting time like this.

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