In Aldi in Dublin, Union Jack bunting is stocked right next to sliotars and hurls and associated GAA kit. Is this what Unionists can look forward to in a New Ireland?

In Aldi in Dublin, Union Jack bunting is stocked right next to sliotars and hurls and associated GAA kit. Is this what Unionists can look forward to in a New Ireland?

by akaihatatoneko

  1. Disgraceful and disgusting!! The new Ireland agenda is a tactic of warfare on Unionist culture, republicans are rapidly expanding their empire.


  2. We can’t even get an Aldi up here. If we did it would probably be Aldi Nord Vs Aldi Sud fighting 

  3. I saw bunting in Tesco with dildos drawn on it. Jolene bunting I think it was called.

  4. Have a think. It means that a new Ireland is just an old Home Rule Ireland. Where the state is simply a legal construct for economic activity and you can wave any flag you want. As long as neutrality is dead, you have a bilateral defence agreement with the UK, UK has use of certain ports and airports in the 26 and the King has a renewed role.

  5. How much are the hurls?, I tried to get one from sports direct but couldn’t find them, I’d love it more if I could middle isle one. 

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