Al-Qaida-Ableger sagt, er habe in Mali 50 russische Söldner und 10 malische Soldaten getötet

Al-Qaida-Ableger sagt, er habe in Mali 50 russische Söldner und 10 malische Soldaten getötet

  1. Wait a second. Now we’re (kinda) cheering for Al Qaeda? What the hell is 2025?

  2. That’s two major defeats for Wagner forces in Mali, on the same day, from two different groups of opposition.

    Happy days.

  3. Sure feels like a plot twist for 2025. Wagner forces can’t catch a break? Interesting times.

  4. Pretty wild, as much as I hate AQ for the terror they’ve committed through the years, I’m actually happy they wasted some Russian mercenaries.

    But too bad about the Malian soldiers they were fighting against the terrorists too, but had chosen the wrong mercenaries as partners.

  5. Wow how terrible does your military have to be for Al Qaeda to be dunking on you?

  6. Putin…I see this information and the confirmation, but somehow it was still Ukraine. They clearly planned and executed this mission.

    Ukraine: What?!?! How in the hell did you come up with this conclusion??

    Putin: Quiet. The facts are all there. You used your Jewish Lazer Teleporter which is funded by NATO (I’ll leave that part out as I don’t want NATO to know I am on to them) and sent your troops over to attack our men.

    Ukraine: …………….

    Putin: Ah HA there is the confession. Ukraine did it. Now I’ll have more meat…I mean soldiers to rally for the special 3 day military operation. I remain a master strategist

  7. How can Russia still afford having its soldiers/mercenaries all over the world? Aren’t these desperately needed in Ukraine?

  8. Russia trying to secure those resources down there and still getting pwnd.

  9. The Tuareg rebel movement reminds me of the Fremen from Dune. Masters of the desert, nomadic, and a deep seated warrior culture.

  10. If a regular army with self-control and deep knowledge of the local cultures couldn’t do it, did they really think rabid mercenaries burning villages for fun would win?

    The only way to win such conflicts is to live in the area permanently. With your family and all. Let the land become your homeland, one you intimely know and care for. Been like that since the Romans. That’s what the jihadists are often doing, that’s why they win. That’s what France wanted to do (kick-start an actual local force caring for its land), which was a bit childish because Afghanistan already proved us it was mission impossible if the locals don’t want to do it. Of course the other workable option (turning the area into a protectorate/colony) is out of question.

    Meanwhile the Russians decided to keep the worst of both worlds: brutal as the terrorists, rotating guys not caring for the land as the Western powers. Talk about sifting sand.

  11. people have forgotten that before the US invaded the Middle East Russia was doing the same, Al Qaeda more than likely regards America and Russia and being cut from the same cloth: foreign imperialist superpowers airlifting boots in to meddle in their affairs and kill their people.

  12. Good news, the terrorist factions are destroying each other. Bad news….. we’ve seen how this plays out many times before.

  13. You know the tide of battle was turned because Al Qaeda got extra help from anti-air missiles MANPADS that knocked down 2 helicopters from Russia and Mali. More of Ukraine’s revenge mission to help terrorists kill Russians.

  14. The enemy of my enemy is… also still my enemy but I’m cool with you taking down some fuckos

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