China assures it will not provide weapons to Russia – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

China assures it will not provide weapons to Russia – Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

by Orcasystems99

  1. China assures it will do everything possible to not let people know about the way it provides weapons to Russia.

  2. So Russia is assembling their own from components sold by China?

    What’s the minimum amount of assembly to get that coveted Made in Russia label?

  3. What china says and what China does are two very different things. Reminds me of another dictatorship

  4. lol China’s assurances ain’t worth jack shit, didn’t you learn that the first time with the Budapest memorandum?

  5. Don’t need to export weapons when you’re propping up the economy, propping up the carbon industry. propping up the currency, are a prolific smuggling intermediary, and are shipping massive amounts of dual-purpose tech.

    But no direct weapons sales!

  6. Dang. They just keep coming out and saying this… When will they actually follow through on this statement?

  7. No, instead they’ll supply weapons to another country that gives them to Russia. And they can claim they didn’t give it to Russia, the intermediary did.

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