Lithuania turns to EC after Hungary eases entry conditions for Russians

Lithuania turns to EC after Hungary eases entry conditions for Russians


  1. I don’t see how Schengen can be at thing when individual members can just let anyone in they want without consulting the other members.

    Seems so broken.

  2. So we now need border check to Hungary since they broke the border protections that the EU has?

  3. Hungary opens the Schengen borders wide, but Romania and Bulgaria cannot go into Schengen, because the other Western Russian Oblast doesn’t allow it. Putin is having a field day with his stooges ruining the EU from within.

  4. Hungary is betting hard on US losing its superpower status and EU falling off a cliff.
    This is a bet that a lot of other populist parties all over Europe made at some point (do you remember when all the extreme right parties were against the EURO or when they wanted their country to exit EU?) and that now kind of vanished (with some exceptions, like Affen für Deutschland Aka afd) because of brexit and immigration problems.

    So the funny guy that calls himself a president but is actually a dictator made himself dependent from Russia and now he MUST place the same bet. Hopefully he will get fucked by his own people.

    Hungarian I have hope in you

  5. It seems to me that Hungary hates everything about the EU and keeps complaining about how awful and “oppressive” it is, but it doesn’t want to leave because of those sweet German monies

  6. 🚬

    Meanwhile Estonia banned all vehicles with Russian license plates from entering. 🤌

    Suspend it from Schengen!

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