Stop calling us weird!

“Stop calling us weird!”

Posted by grantthejester

  1. Weird is actually a soft-sell of the dangerous extremism republicans represent.

  2. Can we call them creepy instead of weird?

    I feel like we spent a long time making “weird” a good thing for people to embrace, only now to throw it back down to creepy perverts who want to take our rights away.

  3. These people are more than weird they’re freaking dangerous and their threats need to be taken seriously. 

  4. This!! Then they have the nerve to get angry at us calling them a threat to democracy. The lion the witch the audacity of this bitch. Fuck republicans!!!

  5. That’s not weird. That’s psychopathy or sociology from violent prone bigoted hate mongers.  

  6. I eagerly await the newest iterations of these depicting Kamala. That will be fun.

    /s, obviously. Because, fuck assholes like this.

  7. Hilarious to me that they’re more bothered by “weird” than “cultists”!

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